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Thread: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

  1. #141

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    18, no penalties!
    Aww rats, forgot to submit on time. I was on Show and Tell + Emrakul too (other cards were different), could have -4ed you!

    FTW: 0 pts

  2. #142

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Wrath of Pie: Undiscovered Paradise, Thoughtseize, Durkwood Baloth, Stromkirk Noble Notes: N/A

    GoblinSmashmaster: Lotus Petal, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens Notes: Goblin smash! - WL
    dte: Geier Reach Sanitarium, Saprazzan Skerry, Show and tell, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Notes: N/A - LL
    Silkster: Swamp, Inquisition of Kozilek, Volatile Fault, Bitterblossom Notes: Treasure, whee! - WD - Volatile Fault is a legitimate upgrade on Field of Ruin, and the real Treasure was playing the other good 1-mana discard spell that was legal.
    Fourdogs: reclaim, forest, llanowar mentor, Vengeful Pharaoh Notes: N/A[/QUOTE] - DD - Vengeful Pharaoh might be too cute, because you can't really make the 1/1 army that you want to make.

    2w3d = 9 points

    Way to dodge the duplicate penalties, everyone!

  3. #143

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    GoblinSmashmaster Results for Round "No Penalty"

    GoblinSmashmaster: Lotus Petal, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens Notes: Goblin smash!
    That's me!

    dte: Geier Reach Sanitarium, Saprazzan Skerry, Show and tell, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Notes: N/A
    Annihilate :( 0-6

    Wrath of Pie: Undiscovered Paradise, Thoughtseize, Durkwood Baloth, Stromkirk Noble Notes: N/A
    Goblin smash! then discard 3-3

    Silkster: Swamp, Inquisition of Kozilek, Volatile Fault, Bitterblossom Notes: Treasure, whee!
    Goblin smash! then discard 3-3

    Fourdogs: reclaim, forest, llanowar mentor, Vengeful Pharaoh Notes: N/A
    Goblin smash! then stare 4-1

    Total: 10 goblin points!

  4. #144

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    Fourdogs: reclaim, forest, llanowar mentor, Vengeful Pharaoh Notes: N/A

    GoblinSmashmaster: Lotus Petal, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens Notes: Goblin smash!
    LW... Lose the race on the draw, but on the play I can block a turn earlier and if you attack I'll get stuck at 4 life. So you don't attack, but then I get to attack myself and win at 1 life.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoblinSmashmaster View Post
    GoblinSmashmaster: Lotus Petal, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens Notes: Goblin smash!

    Fourdogs: reclaim, forest, llanowar mentor, Vengeful Pharaoh Notes: N/A
    Goblin smash! then stare 4-1

    Looks like GoblinSmashmaster may be right.

    OTP 4dogs blocks fast enough to stabilize. But what if GoblinSmashmaster never attacks? Then 4dogs can only make 3 1/1s. 3 1/1s can't attack past 8 1/1s. Draw?

  5. #145

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Round Five Scores:
    DTE: 18
    Silkster: 10 (derived)
    Goblinsmashmaster: 10
    FourDogs: 9

    It's been a week and Silkster didn't submit their scores so I just assumed everyone was correct in their assessment of the MU. Which is good for me, because I did NOT want to do the math on Bitterblossom!
    And it's banned now!



  6. #146

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    The deadline for THE FINAL ROUND is 1 april.
    That's monday, so no OTJ cards. I know you wanted them but they all suck so there.
    Last edited by FourDogsinaHorseSuit; 03-26-2024 at 11:57 AM.

  7. #147

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    The deadline for THE FINAL ROUND is 2 april.
    That's monday, so no OTJ cards. I know you wanted them but they all suck so there.
    That's a Tuesday or the worst attempt at an April Fools Joke I've seen in some time.

  8. #148

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    whoops, fixed

  9. #149

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    OTP 4dogs blocks fast enough to stabilize. But what if GoblinSmashmaster never attacks? Then 4dogs can only make 3 1/1s. 3 1/1s can't attack past 8 1/1s. Draw?
    Missed the opportunity to call this 3dogs vs 8gobs

    Edit: Wonder what decks we'll see on Monday. Akroan Horse stompy vs Goblin Cannon
    Last edited by FTW; 03-26-2024 at 07:43 PM.

  10. #150

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Coming in super late!

    GoblinSmashmaster: Lotus Petal, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens Notes: Goblin smash!
    WL. I appreciate that goblins do indeed smash.

    dte: Geier Reach Sanitarium, Saprazzan Skerry, Show and tell, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Notes: N/A
    I actually think this is WD, not WW. When you're on the play, I need to make you discard S&T, but then you can make me discard a card, which is either the second land or the BB.

    Wrath of Pie: Undiscovered Paradise, Thoughtseize, Durkwood Baloth, Stromkirk Noble Notes: N/A
    WD looks right. I specifically thought that people would play Thoughtseize, the better discard spell, but since I probably don't care about hitting big spells, what with being able to kill charge lands, I figured Inquisition was pretty safe. You're welcome.

    Silkster: Swamp, Inquisition of Kozilek, Volatile Fault, Bitterblossom Notes: Treasure, whee!

    Fourdogs: reclaim, forest, llanowar mentor, Vengeful Pharaoh Notes: N/A[/QUOTE]
    WW. I don't really need the discard spell, but I hit Reclaim for the sake of it. Then I only attack once I can attack with 10 of them. I can easily spare a few life along the way from attacks before I have a token or to make extra faeries if you attack when I do have faeries.

    5W, 2D, 1L, no penalties, for 17 points.
    4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  11. #151

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Our long national nightmare is over!
    After six glorious rounds, things have come to an end and here are the decks for the final round:

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, [cards]Currency Converter[cards] Notes: What's left, what's good?
    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow
    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right
    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken
    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A
    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins!

  12. #152

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow
    0-2, But I hit on Converter!
    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right
    0-2, but I hit on Balance!
    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken
    0-2, but I hit on Shores!
    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A
    0-2, but... Oko? That's a paddlin!
    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins![/QUOTE]
    0-2 but that's a hit on Ferox!

    which means:

    30+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points

  13. #153

    Join Date

    Feb 2014


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, [cards]Currency Converter[cards] Notes: What's left, what's good?
    Is your land correct?
    In any case, should be 6-0 for me and -2 penalty.

    Congrats on the moonshot!!

    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow

    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right
    Just right gargadon will eventually die of sickness.

    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken
    0-6, the sea floods the bog.

    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A
    smallpox beats bounceland, 6-0

    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins!
    Not sure, maybe 3-3? or 0-6, quite complicated maths ahead. I will not be able to calculate that soon.
    Last edited by dte; 04-02-2024 at 01:41 PM.

  14. #154

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins!
    Not sure, maybe 3-3? or 0-6, quite complicated maths ahead. I will not be able to calculate that soon.
    Hmm tough math. Maybe the Goblins smash? Nullhide Ferox is a big problem due to slow clock to reset.

    You have a few major decision points.
    A) Smallpox proactively, or wait till first attacker

    B) Make 2/2 zombie right away after Pox
    (library order = kozilek, pox, Bog)
    or wait to make zombie after drawing land 1 turn sooner (library order = pox, bog.. then put Kozilek in GY)

    C) draw/discard with Converter instead of casting Pox, to make zombies proactively
    (library order = Kozilek, bog)

    D) Try to block Broadside with 2 2/2s instead of Poxing it (but it can fling Vial to kill 1 before blockers)

    Dte vs Goblins OTP
    T1 tapped bog / Vial
    T2 converter / 1c

    This is your first decision point

    A) Smallpox fast
    T3 Pox, exile Kozilek to converter, Nullhide enters
    Library = Pox, Bog (keep Koz in exile)
    / 2c & Nullhide attacks for 6 [dte=13]
    T4 draw Pox / 3c hasty goblin, attack for 8 [dte=5]
    T5 tapped Bog, make 2/2 blocker / attack for 8 & fling Vial to kill 2/2 -> Goblin smashes

    So Poxing first is bad

    B) hold Pox for Broadside
    T3 pass / 2c
    T4 pass / 3c
    T5 pass / hasty Broadside, 4c, attack for 2 [dte=18]
    T6 Pox, Broadside dies, exile Kozilek, Ferox enters [dte=17] /
    5c attack 6 [dte=11]
    T7 draw Pox / 6c attack 6 [dte=5]
    T8 tapped Bog, make 2/2 / 7c attack 6, zombie blocks, Chancellor!
    T9 draw Koz, Pox, exile Koz & make 2/2 now, Ferox dies / attack 6, zombie blocks
    T10 draw Pox / attack 6 [dte = -2]

    Waiting to Pox is still too slow

    C) Aggro zombies
    T3 loot Kozilek (exile) / 2c
    T4 draw tapped Bog, make 2/2 / 3c hasty Broadside [dte=18]
    T5 loot Koz / 4c attack 2 again [dte=16]
    T6 make 2nd 2/2 to double block the Menace, draw Koz /
    EOT Ferox, attack 8, fling Vial at a zombie, other blocks Ferox [dte = 14]
    T7 Smallpox, broadside dies / Ferox attacks [dte = 7]
    T8 draw Pox / Ferox attacks [dte = 1]
    T9 tapped Bog, make 2/2 / Ferox attacks, chump
    T10 Smallpox is suicidal & can't make 1 zombie per turn

    LL 0-6?

  15. #155

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, Currency Converter
    If I Balance, I lose to Ferox + 2/2 token! But if I don't Gargadon wins. WW 6-0

    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox
    You can recover from Balance and Pox my Gargadon. LL 0-6

    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal
    I dodge Shoal but can't beat Sea's Claim LL 0-6

    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality
    OTP suspend Gargadon, then T3 Balance with 0 lands & 0 cards while you're tapped out of Elixir activation

    OTD you get T3 before mine, so you get Oko.
    I could
    A) Balance when you tap out for Oko (can't Elixir to recover), but Oko will have 2 elks just fast enough to block T6 hasty Gargadon

    B) wait to Balance just before Gargadon resolves, killing all Elk, but you can respond with Elixir:
    Library = {elixir, simic, boseiju}
    T6 hasty Gargadon will -7 Oko. The highest Oko could be is 12 if you made Food and no Elk. Oko @ 5
    T7 Elk Gargadon, Oko @ 2
    T8 Elk a Food and block, Oko wins

    C) T2 Balance with 1 land & 1 card in hand before you cast Oko. You must discard either Boseiju or Oko, but you have Simic + Elixir out so you can get back all cards before Gargadon hits.
    WL 3-3

    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox
    T2 suspend 4
    T4 you Vial Broadside
    T6 Balance kills Broadside & discards Chancellor, but you get a 6/6 and I get a 7/5
    They stare.
    DD 2-2

    3 wins, 2 draws = 11 pts - 2 = 9 pts

  16. #156

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, [cards]Currency Converter[cards] Notes: What's left, what's good? - WW - That's one way to shoot the moon.
    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow - LL - You just make Rogues with Currency Converter and never cast Smallpox so I can't play lands.
    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right - WL
    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken - LL
    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins! - WW

    5w = 15 points

  17. #157

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    GoblinSmashmaster Results for Round "Shoot the Moon!"

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, [cards]Currency Converter[cards] Notes: What's left, what's good?
    Goblin smash :( 6-0

    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow
    Goblin smash! 6-0

    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right
    Goblin stare 2-2

    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken
    Cruelly disrupted :( 0-6

    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A
    Elked :( 0-6

    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins!
    Still on Goblins!

    Total: 10 points

  18. #158

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Congrats 4dogs on the win! Thanks for running this season.

    Congrats to dte for 2nd place.

    Since there was still interest in 4CB the last few rounds and so many of you have done the work of running a season, I'm happy to organize the next season if there's still interest in playing.

  19. #159
    Site Contributor

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    Maastricht, NL


    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Hey guys, my apologies for stepping out. Life got in the way and I just couldn't spend the time I needed to properly compete. And if I'm dead last every round, there's no point, really. That's not fun.

    Hopefully life will be a bit less busy when FTW's season starts.
    Join the 4 Card Blind competition!

  20. #160

    Re: 4 Card Blind: Ban-Back Better

    Silkster: Darkslick Shores, Cruel Sadist, Sea's Claim, Disrupting Shoal Notes: Shambler, Chrono, and Cenn's were taken
    Ideally, Sea's Claim catches decks trying for spells with mv>1 and Shoal catches decks trying for spells with mv=1.

    Four dogs: Darkslick Shores, Nullhide Ferox, Restore Balance, [cards]Currency Converter[cards] Notes: What's left, what's good?
    My Darkslick Shores! (Sadist doing work.)

    dte: Peat Bog, Currency Converter, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, smallpox Notes: it is slow
    Sea's Claim doing work.

    FTW: Sandstone Needle, Gargadon, Electrodominance, Restore Balance Notes: Not greater or lesser, but just right
    Sea's Claim doing work.

    Wrath of Pie: Boseiju, who Endures, Simic Growth Chamber, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Elixir of Immortality Notes: N/A
    Sea's Claim doing work, also the fact that Sadist can hit for >5 damage every 2 turns.

    GoblinSmashmaster: Chancellor of the Tangle, Aether Vial, Broadside Bombardiers, Nullhide Ferox Notes: Vial Goblins!
    Disrupting Shoal doing work.

    10W, 1 penalty card = 28 points.

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Hmm tough math. Maybe the Goblins smash? Nullhide Ferox is a big problem due to slow clock to reset.
    I might be missing something, but Nullhide has a replacement effect, not a trigger, and the order of actions on Smallpox is to discard and then sacrifice a creature, so I think Smallpox hits the Ferox twice.

    I also have a season pretty much ready to go, but I'm excited to see what FTW has in mind.
    4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

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