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Thread: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

  1. #161

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by TheInfamousBearAssassin View Post
    Useless in that it draws a card instead of you making me discard a card?

    This is a really bad argument, do you seriously think that the initial instance of Grief doing something and not nothing is entirely incidental to this line of play being good?
    If you want to waste your t1 spending mana for the privilege to later spend mana to cycle your do-nothing artifact I will consider that Good For Me.
    And I will smack you for 3 a few times while you do.

  2. #162

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by TheInfamousBearAssassin View Post
    Historically I feel like cards that neuter Force aren’t for the “fair decks”
    Fair blue decks don't need it because they have force, fair non blue decks need it because they don't

  3. #163

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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    There are also unfair blue decks that may want it (if only using Force defensively) and unfair non-blue decks that want to shut off Force, Grief, Daze, FoV, other combos...

  4. #164
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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    If you want to waste your t1 spending mana for the privilege to later spend mana to cycle your do-nothing artifact I will consider that Good For Me.
    And I will smack you for 3 a few times while you do.
    It’s literally blanking your strategy how is that do nothing

    If you have to make shit up maybe your argument sucks
    For my confessions, they burned me with fire/
    And found I was for endurance made

  5. #165
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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    Fair blue decks don't need it because they have force, fair non blue decks need it because they don't
    This doesn’t stop most unfair decks
    For my confessions, they burned me with fire/
    And found I was for endurance made

  6. #166

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by TheInfamousBearAssassin View Post
    It’s literally blanking your strategy how is that do nothing
    what are you talking abouttttttttttttttttttttttt I still scammed you and and still get to beat you down with reanimate you still are dead ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    If you have to make shit up maybe your argument sucks
    And yet you keep posting!

  7. #167

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    what are you talking abouttttttttttttttttttttttt I still scammed you and and still get to beat you down with reanimate you still are dead ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Right. Because the opponent will play a 1 mana artifact and then do nothing the remainder of the game. Plausible scenario.

  8. #168

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Blood View Post
    Right. Because the opponent will play a 1 mana artifact and then do nothing the remainder of the game. Plausible scenario.
    Are we playing 4cb? Because I, too, also will get to to do things the rest of the game....

  9. #169

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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    Are we playing 4cb?
    We do, and are missing you there!

  10. #170

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    If you want to waste your t1 spending mana for the privilege to later spend mana to cycle your do-nothing artifact I will consider that Good For Me.
    And I will smack you for 3 a few times while you do.
    Are you legitimately arguing that spending 3 cards and 4 life to get a thoughtseize and a 3/2 is a good deal? Because its really, really not.

  11. #171

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Just imagine a very common scenario:

    You play bauble on T1 and opponent is holding FoW. Either they immediately 2-1 themselves or FoW is a dead card until they can answer the bauble, which if they cannot do before you untap, results in a 2-1 anyway.

    Then you get into the Reanimator conversation where you are blanking 8-12 cards depending on their deck.

    Then you get into all the other zero mana stuff that this hoses.

    Yes, stating the obvious, this is a great card and highly needed I might add given all the free crap they keep printing.

  12. #172

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    Are you legitimately arguing that spending 3 cards and 4 life to get a thoughtseize and a 3/2 is a good deal? Because its really, really not.
    But...but...the 3/2 will just kill you.

  13. #173

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    Are you legitimately arguing that spending 3 cards and 4 life to get a thoughtseize and a 3/2 is a good deal? Because its really, really not.
    I'm arguing that spending 3 cards and 4 life for a thoughtseize, a 3/2, AND my opponent takes their first turn off so they can play a piece of trash in the hope that they can later spend mana to cash it in is a good deal.
    And it really, really is.

  14. #174

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    We do, and are missing you there!
    I don't have the bandwith for this season, sadly

  15. #175

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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    I don't have the bandwith for this season, sadly
    Even if you submit Akroan Horse+Wild Dogs as a joke and get 0 pts one round, it will be the ceiling deck and power down the whole format, making it much sillier the other rounds.

    Then you can win with more fun stuff those other rounds, without it being all Lotus+Thassa vs Chancellor+Strip Mine vs T0 discard.

  16. #176

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Bunch of new cards:

    R/W Titan - same as Uro and Kroxa, but casts Lightning Helix on enter and attack.

    Whole bunch of hybrid mana spells with a dual land on the back.

    Wrath of the Skies - WWX pernicious deed effect, uses energy

    Harbinger of the Seas - 2/2, 1WW, Merfolk, Blood Moon effect but Islands instead of Mountains

    Deep Analysis, Wirewood Symbiote, and the at least part of the Threshold Land Cycle are now all modern legal

  17. #177

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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Almost like they're trying to invalidate Legacy by adding more fun Legacy cards to Modern...

    Does the RW Titan do Bolt (3 to any target) or Lava Spike (3 to opponent)?

  18. #178

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Almost like they're trying to invalidate Legacy by adding more fun Legacy cards to Modern...

    Does the RW Titan do Bolt (3 to any target) or Lava Spike (3 to opponent)?
    its any target, also costs 1rw to cast from hand, so no Lurrus resurrections with it

  19. #179

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    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    That might be Legacy playable. Jeskai control gains playable lifegain and doesn't need green for a Titan.

    So many Legacy ports in MH3:
    Wheel of Fortune
    Recurring Nightmare
    Gilded Drake
    Whitenicious Deed
    Medallion cycle
    fixed Brainstorm
    fixed Grim Tutor
    Priest of Titania
    Wirewood Symbiote
    Worn Powerstone
    Deep Analysis
    Cephalid Coliseum
    Barbarian Ring
    Apex Devastator
    a Ruby Storm draw 3
    some Commanders never Modern legal before
    an Elemental Blast

  20. #180

    Re: [MH3] Modern Horizions 3: Rotation Days Are Here Again

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    That might be Legacy playable. Jeskai control gains playable lifegain and doesn't need green for a Titan.

    So many Legacy ports in MH3:
    Wheel of Fortune
    Recurring Nightmare
    Gilded Drake
    Whitenicious Deed
    Medallion cycle
    fixed Brainstorm
    fixed Grim Tutor
    Priest of Titania
    Wirewood Symbiote
    Worn Powerstone
    Deep Analysis
    Cephalid Coliseum
    Barbarian Ring
    Apex Devastator
    a Ruby Storm draw 3
    some Commanders never Modern legal before
    an Elemental Blast
    Just to be petty: Grim Tutor is already modern legal as it was in M21 :)

    The complement to Swan Song seems decent.

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