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Thread: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

  1. #21
    A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    Why in the actual fuck would you own that pile of dogshit propped up solely by the vivsection of MTG? I genuinely do not understand why Hasbro stockholders haven't chased the current management team out with a pack of wild dogs.
    I just bought stock on products I use in my own life, high school me figured if I'm buying from a company I might as well have something to gain from my own solicitations.

    But to your point, every opportunity to vote I cast my ballot for Chris Cocks to be eaten alive by feral pigs.
    Quote Originally Posted by GreatWhale View Post
    Gross, other formats. I puked in my mouth a little.

  2. #22

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    If magic stops making money we might have to up the license fee on Monopoly and we can't have that.
    But how will everyone get the joy of Monopoly Cheater's Edition?

  3. #23

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoid View Post
    I've been playing with mostly new players recently who also want to play commander.
    None of the current products are really suitable for them because everything is so mechanically complex.
    A core set would be ideal and would also allow them to build a card pool to build multiple decks from.
    Given the rate with which they try to drain their existing player base, the have to look into getting new players.
    Just playing on arena isn't good enough to let them learn the game.
    In all seriousness, I think you're definitely correct. Even as someone who has been playing since the 90s, some of these new Standard sets are confusing as hell. Some notable recent ones: Discover/Explore Descend/Fathomless Descent all being in the same Standard set; Disguise/Cloak being in the same Standard set. Just a bunch of word soup that is completely unnecessary and doesn't add anything to gameplay. This is all compounded by the fact that, since Blocks are gone, these mechanics are by-and-large one-offs that are never to be seen from again or at best years later.

    The amount of text on each card has gotten so ridiculous that they have been forced to shorten commonly use phrases "enters the battlefield" -> "enters" (more examples). There are even examples of new cards like Amped Raptor where they have to forgo standard templating (normally this type of effect would also include "shuffle the exiled cards back into your library" / "put the exiled cards on the bottom of your library") to fit the text in. This can actually have a huge effect on gameplay e.g. Raptor mills a one-of and now its gone forever.

    All of this makes learning the game such a more daunting task than in years past. Core sets could fix that.

  4. #24
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Blood View Post
    All of this makes learning the game such a more daunting task than in years past. Core sets could fix that.
    I'd imagine that the corporate thinking was as follows: expansions make more money than Core sets, so jettison Core sets for more expansions and more profits.

    Only to eventually realize that Core sets, while not top sellers actually serve a purpose. Something I imagine numerous people at Wizards itself know.

    Even if we give Hasbro corporate more credit than that, the gambit likely was, as always, to sacrifice sustainability and the long-term development for short-term profits. In other words, nothing new, just Wizards propping up the horrendous business model of Hasbro.
    "The Ancients teach us that if we can but last, we shall prevail."
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  5. #25

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by H View Post
    I'd imagine that the corporate thinking was as follows: expansions make more money than Core sets, so jettison Core sets for more expansions and more profits.

    Only to eventually realize that Core sets, while not top sellers actually serve a purpose. Something I imagine numerous people at Wizards itself know.

    Even if we give Hasbro corporate more credit than that, the gambit likely was, as always, to sacrifice sustainability and the long-term development for short-term profits. In other words, nothing new, just Wizards propping up the horrendous business model of Hasbro.
    They're probably looking at things from a very cursory level. Likely to just review top line sales of various products and advise/direct to do more of X and less of Y. You would hope they defer to the more knowledgeable people on what might be more important for long term growth but who knows. You would also expect a company of this size to do market research on how to attract new customers; if they aren't doing that I'd be shocked.

    All that said and for all their faults, it appears the game is as profitable/popular as ever so they must be doing something correctly even if there is obvious room for improvement.

  6. #26

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Vampire Hexmage still works though, since they are removed.

    Copy Enchantment makes a copy with no time counters that doesn't trigger, but it wasn't Impended so it's already a creature anyway.

    Estrid's Invocation should remove all time counters and return it as a creature.
    The "enters the battlefield as a copy" template stuff does copy enters the battlefield triggers.

  7. #27
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by rufus View Post
    The "enters the battlefield as a copy" template stuff does copy enters the battlefield triggers.
    Yeah, but if we are talking about an Impending enchantment, wouldn't it be like copying an Evoke creature? The trigger only applies if the alternate cost was paid. I guess we'll see if Impeding works the same way (but I'd guess it probably does).
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  8. #28
    Barook's Avatar
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    I really dislike the new "enter" template. I get that WotC wants to cut down on unnecessary words, but in this case, it feels like it's missing something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pittplayer View Post
    As a smallpox player the complete lack of any kind of mana efficient land destruction makes me sad. I know some people don't like land destruction, but eternal formats should have every archetype.. control, prison, combo, etc.
    We just got White Orchid Phantom with both Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd and Essence Reliquary to support it, not to mention Ephemerate for the double whammy if you have enough ETB triggers to support it. WOP should be alot better in Legacy than Modern since most decks run barely any or even no basics compared to Modern.

  9. #29

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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Waiting for them to keyword "exits" for "leaves the battlefield" triggers that are more than dies (exile, return to hand, return to library).

  10. #30

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by Barook View Post
    I really dislike the new "enter" template. I get that WotC wants to cut down on unnecessary words, but in this case, it feels like it's missing something.

    We just got White Orchid Phantom with both Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd and Essence Reliquary to support it, not to mention Ephemerate for the double whammy if you have enough ETB triggers to support it. WOP should be alot better in Legacy than Modern since most decks run barely any or even no basics compared to Modern.
    They couldn't think of anything better than "battlecry" from Hearthstone and just said fuck it, "enters" is good enough.

  11. #31

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by H View Post
    Yeah, but if we are talking about an Impending enchantment, wouldn't it be like copying an Evoke creature? The trigger only applies if the alternate cost was paid. I guess we'll see if Impeding works the same way (but I'd guess it probably does).
    I think I misunderstood. I thought the comment was about the "enters or attacks" trigger.

  12. #32

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    They couldn't think of anything better than "battlecry" from Hearthstone and just said fuck it, "enters" is good enough.
    Missed opportunity to make it "makes an entrance".

  13. #33

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoid View Post
    Missed opportunity to make it "makes an entrance".
    Only green creatures can make a dramatic entrance though

  14. #34

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Spooooooooooooooooohiler season is upon us again, boooooooooooooooohs and ghouls.

    So far mostly nonsense but a few interesting bits:

  15. #35
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Another few cards that might be interesting:

    Why Overlord? If you blink it after Impending, it becomes a Grave Titan, although that might be too cute for Legacy.

  16. #36

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    More delirium and nonsense:

  17. #37
    Hymn-Slinging Mod
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    This card seems pretty decent for two mana. Not likely for Legacy, but I'll definitely be putting this in Brawl decks on Arena.
    "The Ancients teach us that if we can but last, we shall prevail."
    Kaysa, Elder Druid of the Juniper Order

  18. #38

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Is mono B stompy a thing and does it need a pretty fast and recurring clock?

  19. #39
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Probably the best card in the set seen so far. Question is what's the best combo for it.

  20. #40

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by Barook View Post
    [Marvin, Murderous Mimic]

    Probably the best card in the set seen so far. Question is what's the best combo for it.
    I doubt there's a legacy playable combo for it. It usually takes abilities from two other cards - e.g. Walking Ballista + Phyrexian Devourer - to turn this kind of copy effect into something game-winning, and three piece combos are only going to be viable if the pieces can stand on their own.

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