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Thread: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

  1. #41
    Hymn-Slinging Mod
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    The Miracle cost on this seems wildly pushed to me:
    "The Ancients teach us that if we can but last, we shall prevail."
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  2. #42

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by H View Post
    The Miracle cost on this seems wildly pushed to me:
    not really, 1b for a 4/4 lifelink is practically the basic cost at this point, and getting both abilities to trigger off the miracle requires a lot of setup, BS and a reanimation target.

  3. #43
    Hymn-Slinging Mod
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    not really, 1b for a 4/4 lifelink is practically the basic cost at this point, and getting both abilities to trigger off the miracle requires a lot of setup, BS and a reanimation target.
    Good point, Triumph is a 5/5 Lifelink for basically the same cost. But the reanimation effect seems kind of good. I guess we'll see.
    "The Ancients teach us that if we can but last, we shall prevail."
    —Kaysa, Elder Druid of the Juniper Order

  4. #44

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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    It would have played very well along Grief.

    In some hybrid decks, it might make a single fetchable witch's cottage playable, as well as some street wraith. But I doubt it.
    It should be kind of good with dragon rage channeler too.

  5. #45
    GrimGrin and Glissa are in a boat...

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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by rufus View Post
    I doubt there's a legacy playable combo for it. It usually takes abilities from two other cards - e.g. Walking Ballista + Phyrexian Devourer - to turn this kind of copy effect into something game-winning, and three piece combos are only going to be viable if the pieces can stand on their own.
    Isn't there a legendary creature with an ability that could combo if we had 2 on the battlefield?

  6. #46
    (' ' '\( 0 ,o)/''')
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    You could maybe try to do something with Loyal Retainers but that seems more cute than good
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  7. #47
    (' ' '\( 0 ,o)/''')
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Quote Originally Posted by morgan_coke View Post
    not really, 1b for a 4/4 lifelink is practically the basic cost at this point, and getting both abilities to trigger off the miracle requires a lot of setup, BS and a reanimation target.
    Triumph sees play and has a wildly lower ceiling while not really being much higher as a floor- a 4/4 lifelinker isn't much worse than a 5/5 actually. They're both big enough to matter against most boards and out of bolt range but die to Dismember and most beefy creatures in the format.

    Someone on the reddit thread also pointed out that it actually makes Worldy Tutor pretty good in Reanimator since you can use it to tutor for both cheap reanimation effect and be an Entomb with a surveil trigger on the stack.
    For my confessions, they burned me with fire/
    And found I was for endurance made

  8. #48

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    This seems fairly useful.
    Having a retraceable spell with every creature type is bound to cause some shenanigans.

  9. #49

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    People played worm harvest way back in the day. 2 cmc less makes it playable I think. Seems decent in loam pox.

  10. #50

    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    Cynical Loner seems like a powerful ability:

    Cynical Loner

    Creature — Human Survivor

    Cynical Loner can’t be blocked by Glimmers.

    Survival — At the beginning of your second main phase, if Cynical Loner is tapped, you may search your library for a card, put it into your graveyard, then shuffle.
    Though, I guess, legacy is rife with "kill me or lose" bodies. A simple thing would be to combine it with Stasis.

  11. #51
    Barook's Avatar
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    Re: [DSK] Duskmourn-ing a day without a new set

    This looks like the best one out of the Overlord cycle. It can do some shenanigans with Vampire Hexmage where can turn it into a creature and get the Hexmage back immediately (either via the ETB or the attack trigger, depending on the order you play those two).

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