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Thread: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

  1. #1
    Greatness awaits!
    Lemnear's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Berlin, Germany


    Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Good evening dear folks! Thanks for joining me on another trip into the realm of the dark arts of Magic: The Gathering. Our organizer sent me the usual info-mail in advance at Monday evening, containing the delay of the usual schedule in favor of the current Champions League Semifinals second leg matches from Wednesday to Thursday evening, a location which doesn’t require me to drive for more than an hour and a negligible pre-registration sheet, all to my relief. The last tournament felt like a disaster to me and I skipped the following one in favor of the 1st leg match that Wednesday evening … that tourney wasn’t too exciting either, as far as I heared (aside from 2 regulars performed a switch to BUG). Fast forward: After I tried to adjust my sideboard for the new BUG menace, I arrived unexpected early at todays location and decided to take a walk instead of sitting around and grab’n some food at the local bakery instead of having an expensive and still questionable dish while slinging spells, which would be for today:

    4 Gemstone Mine
    2 City of Brass
    2 Underground Sea
    1 Volcanic Island
    3 Polluted Delta

    3 Chrome Mox
    4 Lotus Petal
    4 Lion’s Eye Diamond
    4 Dark Ritual
    4 Rite of Flame
    4 Burning Wish
    4 Infernal Tutor
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Gitaxian Probe
    4 Silence
    3 Duress
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Ad Nauseam

    2 Abrupt Decay
    2 Chain of Vapor
    3 Xantid Swarm
    2 Cabal Therapy
    1 Grapeshot
    1 Ill-Gotten Gains
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Tendrils of Agony
    1 Past in Flames
    1 Diminishing Returns

    I rarely boarded (if ever?) the Decays and atm we have no one playing miracles in our metagame so I decided to cut down one of them for the third swarm which is useful against the ever returning Show&Tell strategies I face here. While coming back to the location, I notice less people showing up this time and we all have a chatter about the modus for tonight. The DCI reporter spits out the pairings…

    Round 1 – Shardless BUG

    Game 1

    I start tonights carnage with 2 strikes to my opponents kidneys: Winning the dice and drawing this opening 7:

    Rite of Flame
    Underground Sea
    Rite of Flame
    Burning Wish
    Infernal Tutor
    Gemstone Mine

    Would you keep that hand?

    Feels good. I decide to lead with U. Sea and simply ship back because a turn 1 Brainstorm would not help me here unless I draw into the nuts, so I rather use the spell defensive for now. He starts with Underground Sea into Thoughtseize and I think I hit one of the BUG decks Tim was talking about earlier this week. I think about brainstorming here to protect my tutors but either one can give me access to Empty the Warrens which is a gamble, if he plays Pernicious Deed or Maelstrom Pulse in his 60. I decide to let the Thoughtseize resolve and he takes one of the Rites over the Brainstorm here (taking one of the tutors doesn’t make sense) which amazes me. I speculate that he’s trying to slow me down for Hymn to Tourach or a similar gamebreaker here. I draw Duress for turn, lay down Gemstone Mine and fling the discard spell, seeing 2 Deathrite Shamans, Polluted Delta, Ancestral Vision, Jace TMS and Hymn to Tourach (!). I have no choice and strip him off the Hymn in relief. He fetches a Bayou in his turn, suspends the Visions and casts a Shaman to pass back. I draw Ponder and fire it off: Dark Ritual, Silence, Duress. I float Ritual and draw the Silence to literally cast a Time Walk against my opponent in his upkeep. He draws and passes back. I draw the Ritual for my turn and brainstorm into Duress, Petal, City of Brass. I threw back the Wish and the Duress. City of Brass, Lotus Petal, Gemstone for R, Rite of Flame (1 already in graveyard) for RRR, City of Brass for B, Dark Ritual for RRRBBB and put a hellbent Infernal Tutor on the stack and think about getting Ad Nauseam, but in fear of losing to a single Daze. I wage the odds. Does a tempo build with Daze play Ancestral Visions? Doubt it. I’m pretty sure at this point that this is a BUG build containing the Shardless Agent engine and those builds do not tend to play Daze. I go for the Ad Nauseam popping the Petal in the process… resolves. 19 life to go.

    Gemstone Mine (19)
    Probe (18)
    Burning Wish (16)
    Duress (15)
    Chrome Mox (15)
    Volcanic Island (15)
    Ponder (14)
    Infernal Tutor (12)
    LED (12)
    Petal (12)
    Polluted Delta (12)
    Silence (11)
    Burning Wish (9)
    Probe (8)
    Gemstone Mine (8)
    Ponder (7)
    Silence (6)
    Probe (5)
    LED (5)
    Dark Ritual (4)

    Good flop to finish the game. Gitaxian Probe (see nothing of interest), Petal, Mox (Wish), LED, Ritual off the Petal, Infernal for another LED, cast 2 LED’s, tap Mox to Wish for Past in Flames (breaking 2 LED’s in response for RRRBBB), cast Past in Flames with RB in my manapool, Ritual, Ritual, RoF, RoF, flashback Infernal digging up the 4th LED, cast the Diamond, flashback the 2nd Infernal in my graveyard, break the remaining 2 Diamonds, grab Burning Wish with the hellbent Infernal and cast Wish for a lethal Grapeshot :)


    Sideboarding: -1 Infernal Tutor, +1 Cabal Therapy

    Game 2

    He snap keeps his seven. Not the best starting point for me here so I need a resistant hand. I expect this one being a slaughter and already prepare for game 3 :/

    Volcanic Island
    Rite of Flame
    Gitaxian Probe
    Lotus Petal
    Dark Ritual

    Would you keep that hand?

    A hand to fall in love with against the inevitable turn 1 discard spell I see coming. He starts with Polluted Delta, go (!!). I’m able to expand my options with a Polluted Delta off the top of my library and probe him for information, seeing Wasteland, Force of Will, Jace TMS and Hymn to Tourach. I see now, what he was up to do here and draw Chrome Mox. I stick the Volcanic and cast Ponder off it: Brainstorm, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame … shuffle, draw Burning Wish. I drop Petal and pass. He drops Verdant Catacomb, pops both fetchlands and digs up an U.Sea and a Bayou to cast the Hymn. I’m unwilling to burn the Petal here and have to discard the Brainstorm and the Delta. I draw a Petal and cast Chrome Mox to imprint (Rite of Flame) and cast Burning Wish which meets the Force of Will (Jace TMS). He spends his turn destroying my Volcanic with a Wasteland and summoning a Deathrite Shaman. I draw a Lion’s Eye Diamond and cast it. Another DRS joins his side and he starts eating my graveyard to damage me. I probe him just to find a City of Brass myself and stick it. He plays another land and it’s my turn to draw a Silence. End of turn I get burned for another 4 damage going down to 10. Gemstone Mine for my turn and another 4 damage before I ship back. I draw Ponder and cast it off the Gemstone Mine: Brainstorm, Probe, Burning Wish. I take the Wish and cast Silence which meets a Force of Will payed in full. I cast Dark Ritual of a freshly played Lotus Petal and use the Chrome Mox to put Wish on the stack while thinking about the target and opt to take Diminishing Returns before barely missing, that I already have an high enough stormcount to simply wish for Tendrils of Agony to seal the deal.


    Unlike the first game I never had the impression I could loose this one after I topdecked the Lion’s Eye Diamond. Possible his draws in game one were simply too amazing … I’m thankful for any shared experience for this matchup … thx in advance.

    Round 2 – Shardless BUG

    Game 1

    My second round opponent played Punishing Jund the last time we sat across. I’m prepared

    Dark Ritual
    Infernal Tutor
    Dark Ritual
    Underground Sea
    Dark Ritual

    Would you keep that hand?

    I could not hold back here and started to laugh about this hand after my dear opponent announced a mulligan to 6. I lost the dice and he just starts with an Underground Sea, leaving me back in confusion. I draw a Rite of Flame and go for a peek via Duress, he brainstorms in response and let me see those: Verdant Catacomb, Tarmogoyf, Brainstorm, Liliana of the Veil and Wasteland. The next BUG matchup? Geeez. I take Lilly and pass which enables him to fetch for a Bayou and fire off Hymn to Tourach! I lose my Brainstorm and a Ritual and have a problem with his Wasteland soon. I rip a Lotus Petal and cast it, pop the lovely mini-Lotus for R, Rite of Flame, tap U.Sea for B, Ritual, Ritual, Infernal Tutor for Ad Nauseam … Bazinga!

    Silence (19)
    Probe (18)
    Burning Wish (16)
    Lotus Petal (16)
    City of Brass (16)
    Rite of Flame (15)
    Dark Ritual (14)
    Gemstone Mine (14)
    Ponder (13)
    Brainstorm (12)
    Silence (11)
    Chrome Mox (11)
    City of Brass (11)
    LED (11)
    Polluted Delta (11)
    Duress (10)
    Gemstone Mine (10)
    Brainstorm (9)
    Probe (8)
    Volcanic Island (8)
    LED (8)
    Chrome Mox (8)
    Gemstone Mine (8)
    Burning Wish (6)
    Ponder (5)
    LED (5)
    Chrome Mox (5)
    Infernal Tutor (3)

    Possibly one of the biggest Ad Nauseams I have ever cast! Petal, Mox (Wish), Mox (Brainstorm), Mox (Silence), Silence my opponent, Gemstone Mine, Dark Ritual off the Gemstone Mine, tap a Mox for Rite of Flame, Infernal Tutor for LED, cast a whooping 4 Diamonds, Burning Wish (break 2 Diamonds for RRRBBB in response), Past in Flames, chain 4 Dark Rituals, RoF, RoF, break a LED for UUU to chain blue cantrips for more stormcount, flashback Infernal Tutor for Burning Wish and fling it for the grapeshizzle.


    Sideboarding: - 1 Infernal, + 1 Cabal Therapy

    Game 2

    He snap keeps his 7 and I take a look at these:

    City of Brass
    Cabal Therapy
    Burning Wish
    Gitaxian Probe
    Chrome Mox
    Gitaxian Probe

    Would you keep that hand?

    I see some potential for this hand being able to rebuild after being clubbed by discard spells and want to see what I can do here. He starts with Underground Sea into Thoughtseize and takes the Ponder. I draw a Lotus Petal and Probe him (draw Gemstone Mine), seeing a priceless curve of Brainstorm, Hymn, Shardless Agent, Polluted Delta and Tarmogoyf. I drop my City of Brass and use the Cabal Therapy in my hand to strip him off the Hymn. He expands his manabase with a Bayou he found using his Polluted Delta and drops a Tarmogoyf onto the field. I draw a Silence and use it to cast a “Time Walk” off my Gemstone in his upkeep to prevent his Shardless Agent from knocking me out with a revealed discard spell. He can only play a Verdant Catacomb and attack with his Lhurgoyf. The swing of the grave-fed beast drops my life to 14. I draw a Dark Ritual and cast my Probe, checking the coast (Brainstorm, 2 Shardless Agents) and draw Brainstorm which I cast off the City to see Chrome Mox, Polluted Delta and LED. I stick both Moxen on top of my library and fetch an Underground Sea, Petal, LED, Dark Ritual off the U.Sea, Burning Wish (break Diamond for UUU), he thinks about brainstorming but explains with a smile that he does not want to fuel my stormcount here and I browse my sideboard with BBUUU in my pool and think about chaining the sideboard Infernal into the mainboard EtW … sounds good. He responds to my Infernal with Brainstorm and does not find the Force of Will so 18 Goblins enter the battlefield. He untaps, brainstorms, casts a Deathrite Shaman, Brainstorms again and drops a Tropical Island. I draw a Ponder and cast it: Ponder, RoF, LED. I float the Ponder and drop the Diamond. I swing in with the team after ensuring I don’t get killed by the backlash of his Goofy and DRS. He blocks 2 and drops to 1 life with a Verdant Catacomb still in play. He untaps and windmill-slams a Engineered Plague off the top! Moments later my goblins die a gruesome death and his Tarmogoyf beats me down to 5. I didn’t see this coming. I draw the Ponder I have floated and cast it off the Underground Sea. I see LED, Rite of Flame and Infernal Tutor. I’m one man a short to chain Infernal into Wish into Grapeshot and face lethal. I have to shuffle … draw … Duress x(


    Shit happens, but that Plague was sick. He explains that he wanted it vs. tribal, Lingering souls and …. Goblins … spot on, dood.

    Sideboarding: nothing

    Game 3

    He mulls to 5; a Deja-Vú of what he did the tournament 2 weeks ago. I throw away these 7

    Volcanic Island
    Rite of Flame
    Gitaxian Probe
    Dark Ritual
    Lotus Petal
    Dark Ritual

    Would you keep that hand?

    Naaaaaaaa, I was just kidding. This hand is a keeper enabling me to go off very early in the game. I start with the usual Probe before playing a land and see him holding Thoughtseize and Liliana of the Veil among 2 lands and a Tarmogoyf. I draw a Wish as a replacement for the Probe and go Volcanic, Petal, RoF, Ritual, Ritual, Burning Wish and grab Empty the Warrens for 14 goblins, being sure that this is enough, because he needs Deathrite Shaman + Deed/Pulse/Plague to interact with the goblins in-time and I saw nothing of those in his hand. I lean back and go for the auto-pilot. He drops Bayou and cast Deathrite Shaman! Lucksacking, anyone? I draw a Chrome Mox and Brainstorm into Gemstone Mine, Silence and Brainstorm. I keep the Gemstone Mine and the Silence and put back the rest. I drop the Gemstone Mine and Attack him with the whole team just to Silence-walk in his upkeep. He reveals his hand, the top of his library (Brainstorm) and his hand for the shake.


    Hope you dear readers forgive my lazy, lame play here. Sometimes the auto-pilot is the best play.

    Round 3 – UR Delver

    Game 1

    We shuffle up while I think about how reacting to the loss of the dice roll. He announces a mulligan and I fan these

    Lotus Petal
    Chrome Mox
    Gemstone Mine
    Underground Sea
    Infernal Tutor

    Would you keep that hand?

    I try to evaluate this hand on the draw vs a hand of 6 and put him on a blue deck so I feel I can go into a grindy game with Duress and Silence. He makes my decision easier because he mulls again and finally keeps 5 starting with a Scalding Tarn into Volcanic Island into Ponder. I draw a Burning Wish and open with Underground Sea into Duress and he dazes(?!). In his turn he wastes my Underground Sea. I draw a Ritual and play Gemstone. I think about his Daze against my Duress and smell a Stifle or FoW so I just pass. He replays the Volcanic and ponders again. I draw a Gemstone Mine and play it. I Silence him which meets FoW. I recount my mana and notice that I’m a mana short of chaining Infernal into EtW … I’m an idiot. I pass back. He plays Scalding Tarn and Goblin Guide, attacks and I lucksack-topdeck an Underground Sea! I draw a Petal and tap my 3 lands for RRB, Infernal for Dark Ritual (storm1), Petal (storm2), Petal (storm3), Ritual off Petal (storm4), Ritual (storm5), Burning Wish for EtW (storm6), Chrome Mox without imprint (storm7), Empty the Warrens for 16 Goblins. He draws and shows me his 2 cards in hand: FoW + Daze.


    Sideboarding: didn’t board anything

    Game 2

    He makes a face and keeps his 7. I pick up these:

    Gemstone Mine
    Dark Ritual
    Empty the Warrens
    Volcanic Island
    Lotus Petal
    Rite of Flame

    Would you keep that hand?

    This hand is awesome. He opens with Volcanic into Delver of Secrets. I topdeck a Gitaxian Probe (storm1) and use it to see Ponder, Brainstorm, FoW, REB and Stifle … lol. I play Gemstone into Ritual (storm2) which does not get neutralized via FoW and so I can cast Duress (storm3) to strip the FoW. At this point I remind him of his mistake to let Dark Ritual resolve AFTER I already saw his hand and still proceed to cast the Ritual. I cast Lotus Petal (storm4) into Rite of Flame (storm5) into Empty the Warrens (storm6) putting 12 Goblins onto the battlefield. He’s annoyed at this point, reveals a Wasteland to Delver, and ponders in his turn, drops a Wasteland and passes. I draw an U.Sea, Ponder, see some more cantrips and keep them for the lulz. I swing for 12. He flips Lightning Bolt to Delver, brainstorms, but can’t find one of his 2 Engineered Explosives (he told me after I dropped the 12 Goblins). He can sure fetch another land and Ponder to find the Explosives but will lack the mana to activate the Engineered Explosives afterwards. He refuses to durdle around and tells Tim to rate this match a 2-0 in my favor. What a nice guy.


    The unexpected quick match enabled me to listen closely to the songs (iPod) of a man I was able to meet personally a week before, as he held a surprise-concert after a variety show here in Berlin, where I had a 1st row table for me and my GF, ending up with him performing this song live in front of our table… fuck yeah! (video obviously taken somewhere else)

    I was mentally gone and missed the pairings just noticed a familiar face sitting down across…

    Round 4 – Omniscience

    Game 1

    I’m able to start the game which is awesome. He keeps his 7 and I think about doing the same.

    City of Brass
    Polltued Delta
    Rite of Flame
    Gitaxian Probe
    Empty the Warrens
    Burning Wish

    Would you keep that hand?

    This hand is ugly slow and I calculate punting the game right because of that but think about the odds of having a better 6 and keep here, opening with City, go. He starts with Island, Ponder and keeps his top 3. I draw a Silence and check his hand with Gitaxian Probe seeing Force of Willk, Enter the Infinite, Cunning Wish, Omniscience, Dream Halls, Misty Rainforest and Ancient Tomb. I’m lucky that it’s only Dream Halls as enabler and not Show&Tell. I draw a Brainstorm and tap the City to fire of the cantrip: Lotus Petal, Dark Ritual, Infernal Tutor. I throw back the EtW and the Burning Wish. I drop the Delta and pass back, preparing a lethal turn 3. He let Ancient Tomb join the Island and ships back. I break the Delta for an U.Sea at the end of his turn and brainstorm into Duress, Volcanic Island and Gitaxian Probe. I take Duress and float Volcanic which I draw for my turn and drop onto the field. I count my mana and notice that I’m a mana short for an protected kill so I think about Duress or Silence to interact with him now or in his upkeep to clean my hand for the Infernal Tutor. I Duress here taking the FoW over the enabler which is likely still blocked for the next turn and I can beat a topdecked FoW with the Silence anyways after I have another peak with the Probe floating on top of my library. He casts a Cunning Wish for Trickbind end of turn. His turn he only play another Island. I probe him and see no defense except the Trickbind. I draw Petal as a replacement for G.Probe, play both Petals and tap City going to 13 life and cast the Silence and hellbent Infernal checking a stormcount of 7 and 17 life on his sheet … damn! I dig for the Ad Nauseam and cast it.

    Petal (13)
    Probe (12)
    Brainstorm (11)
    Ritual (10)
    Burning Wish (8)
    Burning Wish (6)
    Dark Ritual (5)
    Polluted Delta (5)
    Ponder (4)

    Now I have a problem. I lack a second initial mana source and have not enough mana in general but have to continue or die to Omniscience into Enter the Infinite…

    Rite of Flame (3)
    Underground Sea (3)
    Brainstorm (2)
    Chrome Mox (2)

    I already have a RoF in my graveyard, so the Mox is enough. I go with Mox (imprint Burning Wish), Rite of Flame for RRR, Petal, Dark Ritual for BBBRRR, Burning Wish for Tendrils of Agony.

    Sideboarding: -1 Duress, -1 Empty the Warrens, -1 Ponder, +3 Xantid Swarms


    Game 2

    He snap keeps his 7 and I must have been very tired because my notes say this:

    Rite of Flame
    Polltued Delta
    City of Brass
    Volcanic Island
    Infernal Tutor

    Would you keep that hand?

    No idea what devil rode me to keep that hand. I think I gambled on a hilarious awesome Brainstorm with Infernal + Silence already in my hand. He dropped the Leyline of Sanctity on the battlefield before he proceeds to take his turn with Island into Ponder, shuffle, draw. I find a Petal for my turn and drop the Volcanic. He brainstorms and ponders (yes, this sequence) in his turn and passes with 2 Islands in play. I topdeck another Silence and use it and the City to basically take an extra turn, playing it in his upkeep to prevent Show&Tell or such nonsense. This leaves him with Ancient Tomb and passing back the turn to me. I draw the second City of Brass and have to brainstorm, because I can’t afford to blow the remaining Silence for another “time walk”. I need gas. Now. The blue instant reveals Mox, Dark Ritual and Rite of Flame and so I toss back the Mox and the City. I drop the Polluted Delta and cast Silence which meets FoW (Dream Halls). I fetch an Underground Sea, Petal, RoF, RoF, Ritual for BBBRRRR and Infernal for Ad Nauseam off 17 life because he’s still on 19 life … geeeez.

    Xantid Swarm (16)
    Ponder (15)
    Chrome Mox (15)
    Probe (14)
    Gemstone Mine (14)
    City of Brass (14)
    Brainstorm (13)
    Silence (12)
    Gitaxian Probe (11)
    Burning Wish (9)
    Petal (9)
    Infernal Tutor (7)
    Petal (7)
    Brainstorm (6)
    Polluted Delta (6)
    LED (6)
    Underground Sea (6)
    Dark Ritual (5)
    Dark Ritual (4)

    I cast Mox (imprint Infernal), Petal, Petal (crack for B), Ritual, Ritual, LED, Burning Wish for Empty the Warrens and create 36 goblins in the process. I discard down to 7 cards: 2 Brainstorm, Delta, Xantid, Silence, Ponder, Gemstone Mine. I cast the Silence in his upkeep off the unused Lotus Petal and he reveals his 3 remaining cards in his hand: Show&Tell, Omniscience, Intuition (to grab 3x Enter the Infinite after dropping Omnisciene with S&T).


    Because we all agreed, not to play T8 this evening, the following round is announced the last one and observing the other 2 top tables I’m pretty sure my last opponent’s going to be the RUG Delver.

    Final Round – RUG Delver

    Game 1

    I’m not surprised as he sat down. We shuffle up and agree to keep our initial 7:

    Gemstone Mine
    Rite of Flame
    Infernal Tutor
    Gitaxian Probe
    Underground Sea

    Would you keep that hand?

    I lost the dice which is pretty much annoying vs. tempo-strategies. He opens with Volcanic Island into Delver of Secrets. I draw a Burning Wish and launch a Ponder off the U.Sea, seeing 2 Ritual and a RoF, drawing the Rite. He fetches a Tropical Island with a Misty Rainforest after failing to flip an Instant or Sorcery. Instead he reveal another Delver which quickly joins his brother. I got punched and untap. I draw Ritual, drop the Gemstone Mine and Probe him (Brainstorm, Stifle, Nimble Mongoose, Delver of Secrets) drawing the 2nd Ritual off the top. I play a Ritual off Underground Sea and Duress. He let me take the Stifle but being able to Brainstorm. I tap Gemstone Mine to pay for the Rite of Flame, Dark Ritual again and put Burning Wish on the stack which provokes the Brainstorm in response. He hits the Force of Will! He smiles from ear to ear leaning back … I pause … sighed … set up a devilish laugher … cast the second Rite of Flame for a total of RRRBBB and put Infernal Tutor on the stack! He’s now cursing full-throatedly as I search my library for the Empty the Warrens to put 20 goblins into play. He flips a Lightning Bolt to his 2 Delvers turning them into 3/2’s which isn’t too impressing facing an army of 20 green goblins. He does not find a solution to the goblins the following turn and scoops after the draw.


    Sideboarding: -1 Infernal Tutor, +1 Cabal Therapy

    Game 2

    2 possible games left to crown myself the 4-times, 4-times, 4-times, 4-times gent’s club winner. At this point I start thinking about switching my deck for the next event because I’m gett’n kinda bored like my fellas do rocking TES and we discuss some possible trades across the tables. I notice my opponents isn’t in good shape, still being angry about the outcome of game 1.

    Rite of Flane
    Gemstone Mine
    Gitaxian Probe
    Chrome Mox

    Would you keep that hand?

    I’m not sure what kind of hate I have to expect out of the sideboard so I keep that stable hand which lacks business. I expect a very defensive reaction from him and keep. He leads with Volcanic Island into Ponder and keeps his top 3. I draw a Lion’s Eye Diamond for turn and think about holding on the Probe for stormcount but remind myself that I need to find a Tutor asap and do not want to scoop on a Daze versus my Ponder. I cast Gitaxian Probe to see Daze, Scalding Tarn, Pyroblast, Ponder, Spell Pierce and Misty Rainforest. I draw Rite of Flame and Ponder off the Gemstone Mine. I see Polluted Delta, City of Brass and Dark Ritual. I decide to keep this top 3 because of the need for initial mana against Daze and Spell Pierce and the possibility to get hit by Wasteland. In his turn I see him pondering again and drop a Scalding Tarn before passing back to me. I draw the City of Brass and fetch an Underground Sea with the Polluted Delta. My opponent fetches a Tropical Island and casts his third Ponder in 3 turns. He drops a Delver of Secrets and a Misty Rainforest. Now things get spicy. I draw Burning Wish and drop City of Brass and cast Rite of Flame (storm1), then another Rite (storm2) which meets Spell Pierce (storm3). I do the math and pay for it by tapping the U.Sea and burn the remaining red mana to add RRR to my pool with the Gemstone Mine still untapped. He realizes that I now have negated his Daze. I cast Silence which he lets resolve to not boost my stormcount even more (storm4), LED (storm5), LED (storm6) and the Mox as a blank (storm7). I cast Burning Wish (storm8) for Temdrils of Agony (storm9) which is enough to drain his 17 lifepoints (his remaining hand is Daze, Wasteland and 2 Pyroblasts as he shows me)


    After the price giveaway (I'm ending 1st the 4th time in a row) I’m able to trade for 2 Judge FOIL Gaea’s Cradle to possibly rebuild myself an Elven deck; something, what I once had, but lost interest in 10 years ago. Maybe I should give my FOIL Green Sun’s Zeniths and Judge Natural Orders a new home ;)

    - Suit-up tournaments rock!
    - being able to take notes even faster
    - completely awesome week
    - lucksacking
    - EtW

    - wasted SB space
    - a lost game … damn! I lost a game!!
    - midclass location (feel overdressed)

    - 11 games, 10 wins, 1 loss
    - 6 wins off EtW
    - 2 win off natural spellchain into Tendrils
    - 4 times casted Ad Nauseam
    - 2 games finished via Tendrils
    - 2 games finished via Grapeshot

    My dear readers I thank you for your patience. Now, I’m packing my suitcase for a roadtrip with friends to Prague over the weekend ... cheers :D

    Last edited by Lemnear; 08-28-2013 at 12:30 PM. - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

  2. #2
    Greatness awaits!
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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    1st spellcheck - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

  3. #3
    Tom T's Avatar
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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemnear View Post

    Round 1 – Shardless BUG

    Game 1

    ...I draw the Ritual for my turn and brainstorm into Duress, Petal, City of Brass. I threw back the Wish and the Duress. City of Brass,Lotus Petal ,Gemstone for R, Rite of Flame (1 already in graveyard) for RRR, Lotus Petal for R, City of Brass for B, Dark Ritual for RRRRBBB and put a hellbent Infernal Tutor on the stack and think about getting Ad Nauseam, but in fear of losing to a single Daze. I wage the odds. Does a tempo build with Daze play Ancestral Visions? Doubt it. I’m pretty sure at this point that this is a BUG build containing the Shardless Agent engine and those builds do not tend to play Daze. I go for the Ad Nauseam … resolves. 19 life to go...
    (corrections in bold)

    Thanks a lot for these reports. I've just started playing TES in the Netherlands after playing control for years and fell in love with the deck. These reports give me even more confidence in the deck!


  4. #4
    Greatness awaits!
    Lemnear's Avatar
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    Berlin, Germany


    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Thx for the note. I remember breaking the Petal to pay the Ad Nauseam in the end but missed mentioning that I played it. Correction done.

    I'm glad if you find something helpful to improve your game in these kind of reports. Thx for (keen) reading ;) - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

  5. #5
    Emptying the Warrens

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    Nov 2012


    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Stop going undefeated! It's silly!

    Now I want to see you go undefeated playing DDFT or something silly like that

    I'm loving the reports, keep up the good work

  6. #6
    Greatness awaits!
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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Quote Originally Posted by monovfox View Post
    Stop going undefeated! It's silly!

    Now I want to see you go undefeated playing DDFT or something silly like that

    I'm loving the reports, keep up the good work
    Haha, check the 2nd HotS-entry, where I miserably punted the match against SneakShow :)

    I use the detailed notes (stenography), reports and feedback to improve myself with the help of the community which keeps reminding me of my mistakes, which is very valuable.

    I'm indeed thinking about switching the deck for 1-2 events. I'm not sure if I simply play the TRS Doomsday (DDFT isn't a good deck imo) or my take on elves once I have done enough testing with it. However, I (and my local peeps) may need a break :) - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

  7. #7
    Salt of the earth

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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    So where you the only one wearing a suit and tie, or was this a mandatory and enforced dress code?


  8. #8
    Sockosensei's Avatar
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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    My latest study guide.

    Thanks for the incredibly clear write-up!

  9. #9
    Greatness awaits!
    Lemnear's Avatar
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    Re: Heart of the Storm #4 - Suit & Tie

    Quote Originally Posted by sdematt View Post
    So where you the only one wearing a suit and tie, or was this a mandatory and enforced dress code?

    We started with this as a dresscode because it's already our business dress (at least the majority of the regulars) and we used to met directly afterworks, so this came in handy. The main benefit is that you gain access to locations which aren't smelly bars or such (better drinks and women) and don't get identified as a nerd. The 2 times we "opend" the "gent's club" to interested players without dresscode (and manners) were a desaster (i mentioned this and that in my reports; finding a location without doormen etc.). No one of us dares to show up unshaved in sneakers and bandshirts even the dresscode isn't THAT strict. You'll never see me without a vest for example. Atm we love Club Blazers and Oxfords (shoes) :D

    Quote Originally Posted by Sockosensei View Post
    My latest study guide.

    Thanks for the incredibly clear write-up!
    My pleasure. - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

    Join us at Facebook!

    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

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