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Thread: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

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    jungle lion, good?...
    paeng4983's Avatar
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    TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    The Epic Storm goes to Grand Prix Kyoto Japan
    17-19 April 2015
    Kyoto, Japan

    Day one.
    I arrived at Pulse Plaza, Kyoto at 8:30 in the morning and upon entering the Grand Prix (GP) venue, I heard the Head Judge announcing that due to a great number of participants, they (Judges) had decided to split the players in two groups, Black and Blue.

    Shortly after, seat arrangements for players’ meeting are now posted. Blue table 182 is where I am at. After that warm greetings and a few reminders for the GP main event from the Head Judge, pairings for round one is now up. Having two-byes for this kind of event is a big help. In the first two rounds, all I did was roam around the Blue table vicinity to scout for the meta. BUG variants, Elves, Affinity, DnT, Miracles and Omnitell were the most rampant decks. Next to them were: Lands, AnT and Infect.

    By the way, before I proceed to round three, here’s the 75 that I sleeved:

    4 Polluted Delta
    3 Bloodstained Mire
    2 Volcanic Island
    2 Underground Sea
    1 Bayou
    1 Swamp

    4 Rite of Flame
    4 Dark Ritual
    4 Lion's Eye Diamond
    4 Lotus Petal
    2 Chrome Mox

    4 Infernal Tutor
    4 Burning Wish
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Gitaxian Probe
    4 Cabal Therapy
    3 Duress
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Ad Nauseam

    3 Abrupt Decay
    3 Xantid Swarm
    2 Chain of Vapor
    1 Void Snare
    1 Thoughtseize
    1 Massacre
    1 Tendrils of Agony
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Grapeshot
    1 Past in Flames

    RD 1 and Rd 2

    RD 3
    Okey, moment of truth. TES versus an unknown deck. Mixed emotions are suddenly taking over me. I checked my name and went to my assigned table. A few seconds later, someone seated in front of me and verified if I am Rafael to which I politely said yes. A few very quick reminders again from our Head Judge before he gave the signal for the round.

    I won the roll, he kept his opening seven while I kept these: Lion’s Eye Diamond (LED), Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal, Underground Sea, Infernal Tutor, Burning Wish and Empty the Warrens. This is the hardest part; you’re playing in a foreign land, against an unknown opponent/ deck, going all-in head first. YOLO! I shouted mentally. Dropped sea into petal, asked him if it’s good, he nod. Tapped sea into Dark Ritual then asked him if it’s good, another nod. Dropped LED, I gave him a blank look; he took a deep breath, looked at his hand of seven, and then gave thumbs up. Okay, at this point I am praying that he does not have a Force of Will (FOW). I briefly remind him of my floating three black mana off my Dark Ritual, to which he recognized. Slammed Infernal Tutor on the table, turned my LED side ways to give an impression that I am crack it in respond to my tutor, then asked him if the tutor is good. He rearranged the cards in his hand. At this point, my heart is beating so fast. He allowed my tutor – sigh of relief. Tutor into Ad Nauseam refilling my hand with goodies into Burnish Wish into Tendrils of Agony (TOA). “That was fast” he said. I just replied with a smile.

    Game two, with that kind of showing, I am still wondering what he is on. Taking into consideration of what just happened, I put him on something like Dnt/ Elves/ Maverick. So I took out a tutor and a couple of Duress for a couple of Chain of Vapor and a Thoughtseize. My opening seven for game two: LED, Infernal Tutor, Lotus Petal, a couple Dark Rituals, Fetch and a Gitaxian Probe. Opponent’s first moves were: fetch into a dual land into an Entomb binning Iona, Shield of Emeria from his library. Lotus Petal into Reanimate (his life points is now down to ten) bringing back his angel into life naming black, a Reanimator deck. Okey, this one is very frustrating. I drew for my first turn (Ponder). I dropped my fetch, cracked it for an Underground Sea. I pondered deeply on what I should do first. Will I dig with Ponder, or peep through Gitaxian Probe? I opt for the latter. I probed to see a hand of Thoughtseize, and other irrelevant spell cards. Probe gifted me Chain of Vapor. The jig is up! Bounced his Angel, dropped petal into two Dark Rituals. Drop LED, into Tutor. He extends his hand even before I tapped my LED.

    3-0 (2-0)

    RD 4
    I am back to square one, against an unknown opponent/ deck. Right after the Head Judge gave his go signal, we rolled a dice in which I won. I kept this opening seven: three Rite of Flames, a fetch, Tutor, Chrome Mox and a Duress. Fetch into a dual land into Duress was my opening move. Tomb, fetch, Show and Tell, Emrakul, Omniscience, Ponder and Pre-Ordain, an Omnitell deck. I binned his Show and Tell. Fetch into cantrip was his first turn move. I drew for my second turn (Brainstorm). Cast it and got these three: land, Dark Ritual and Ad Nauseam then returned a Rite of Flame and tutor. My hand now consist of the following: Mox, two Rites, Ad naus, land and Dark Ritual. Mox imprint Rite of Flame, Land into Dark Ritual into Ad Naus. I asked him if it is good. He allowed it. He immediately scooped when he saw the combination of petal, ritual, LED and tutors amongst the cards that were revealed.

    Game two, I took out the following from my main deck: a tutor, Ponder, Empty the Warrens and a Cabal Therapy; and replaced them with: 3 Xantid Swarm and a Thoughtseize. I kept this seven: 2 Cabal Therapy, tutor, wish, LED, fetch and probe. He goes first, island into cantrip was his first move. I drew (Ponder) for the turn. Probed him to see for any counters. But instead of seeing counters, he had this a potential second turn Show and Tell into Omniscience into Cunning Wish into loop. Probe gave me another petal. Dropped a fetch into an Underground Sea into a Cabal Therapy binning Show and Tell then pass. He again cast another cantrip and dropped his second land before shipping back the turn. I drew (LED) for my second turn, cast Ponder and saw these three: fetch, Rite of Flame and mox. I elected to get the fetch and immediately dropped it. Now my hand is this: therapy, tutor, wish, two LED and a petal. With two unknown cards in his hand, what are the chances that he’s holding counter spell/s. I silently evaluate his body language trying to figure out if he has one. He seems to be praying to his god for me not to go off. I test the water by dropping LED and asking him if it is good. He closed his eyes and takes a deep breath. This means that he is not holding a counter spell. He gave thumbs up allowing it to resolve. I cracked my fetch, dropped my petal then dropped my second LED then asked him if it is good. He asked me if I have an Infernal Tutor in hand, I simply revealed it from my hand. He extends his hand then shows his, no counter spells but a potential go off if he gets back the turn.

    4-0 (4-0)

    RD 5
    For some reason, I am enjoying this kind of mixed emotion I always have in the start of every round. Round five is up and I went to table three. He won the dice and decides to keep his opening seven. Two Rite of Flame, Empty the Warrens, land, Chrome Mox, Burning Wish and Gitaxian Probe were my opening seven. He started the round with a Misty Rainforest into a Tropical island into a Nimble Mongoose. RUG Stifle went first in my mind. I drew (wish) for the turn, threw my probe (for another probe) across the table to check for any counter spells. He only had a stifle. Cast my second probe (Duress). Dropped Mox Imprinting wish. Land into Duress removing a Lightning Bolt. Tapped my Mox Ruby into two Rite of Flames into goblin tokens. It gets there two swings later.

    Game two, my side boarding versus RUG: less a tutor for a Thoughtseize. My opening hand was: LED, LED, Ad Nauseam, Brainstorm, Gitaxian Probe, Volcanic Island, and Duress. I keep. He went first with a fetch land then pass. This made me think that he kept a wall of counters. I drew (Cabal Therapy) for the turn, cast probe to check what he just kept. Two FOWs, a Flusterstorm, a Stifle, Wasteland and a Brainstorm. Things are not looking good. I dropped one of the LEDs, asked him if it’s good. He just allowed it to resolve. He just cantrip and dropped his second land in his turn before shipping the turn back. I drew (Ponder), cast it but it met his Red Elemental Blast (REB). It left me no choice but to pass the turn. He dropped another land and pass. Giz, he still has the same hand. I drew (Dark Ritual) for the turn, I cast Brainstorm but his FOW did not allow it. My second land did not come to my aid in this game. I die to his two 5/6 Tarmogoyfs in just a few swings.

    Game three, no changes for this game. I kept a hand: chrome, fetch, petal, probe, Brainstorm, Ponder and Ad Naus. Fetch into sea into Ponder. I opt for a shuffle. I drew (Chrome Mox) off Ponder then pass. He drew, dropped a Volcanic Island then pass. Oh please do not tell me we are on the same scenario. I drew (wish) for the turn, and cast Brainstorm. REB said hi to my cantrip again, I then pass the turn. In his turn, he Wasteland my sea then pass the turn. I never get to draw another land after that. I did reach five mana thanks to petals and chrome, but was a little late for he had like a ton of counters at his hand. His 3/3 Nimble and a Tarmogoyf slowly ate my life points.

    4-1 (5-2)

    RD 6
    My opponent for this round is not smiling. With this kind of aura, I put him on something control. I won the roll and both players kept his respective seven. I began my assault by landing an Underground Sea into two Dark Rituals into Ad Nauseam. He briefly scan his seven cards at hand before letting it resolve. The party soon ended in less than a minute.

    Game two, the big question still remains – what is he on? I took out a tutor and replaced it with a Thoughtseize. He opt to go first and kept his seven, I also kept mine – Ad Nauseam, Dark Ritual, Chrome Mox, Lotus Petal, land, LED and a Burning Wish. Leyline of Sanctity was the very first card that he dropped followed by a fetch into Tundra into a Sensei’s Divining Top. Miracles, okay now I know. I drew (Rite of Flame) for the turn, and read his body language trying to get a hint if he’s holding any counter spell. He seems to have but looks like praying at the same time. This is though. I decided to go for it. Dropped land followed by a petal, he nod. Dropped LED then I looked at him, he gave thumbs up. Cast Rite of Flame to which he nod. Dropped mox imprint Ad Nauseam to it then cast wish tapped my LED before passing priority. He tapped his top, drew, his eyes rolled backwards then gave a thumbs up. Wish into Empty the Warrens for goblins. No Brainstorm nor Terminus came to his aid, I win in two swings.

    5-1 (7-2)

    RD 7
    And just like the previous turn ones that I had all day, mixed emotion set in again. I won the roll. Would you keep this seven versus unknown opponent?
    Underground Sea
    Dark Ritual
    Dark Ritual
    Lotus Petal
    Lotus Petal
    Rite of Flame
    Gitaxian Probe

    I am a bit anxious about what he is on especially that he speedily kept his seven. I suddenly remembered Kai’s stat about the 40% thingy. I believe in you TES let’s do this. I decide to keep my seven and began our round seven with a Gitaxian Probe paying two life points. I saw a full seven irrelevant cards (Plains, Aether Vial and friends), aha Death and Taxes. Probe bestowed me an Ad Nauseam. After seeing LEDs and Rituals and tutors, he concedes and offered that we go to game two.

    Game two, I took out the following from my main: three Duress and a tutor. I replaced them with two Chain of Vapors, a Void Snare and a Thoughtseize. Both players kept their seven. His first drop, Plains into a Mother of Runes. My first drop, Volcanic Island into 18 goblin tokens. After a few turns, he concedes.

    6-1 (9-2)

    RD 8
    Second to the last round for day one, and is needing just one more win to secure a slot for day two. I went to my assigned table. After a few reminders from our Head Judge, round eight is now officially on. He won the roll and both players kept their respective seven. I kept this seven: tutor, LED, petal, land, land, Ponder and Brainstorm. He started with a fetch into an Underground Sea into Duress. Reanimator and Mirror are the only decks that come across my mind at this point as he binned my tutor. I drew (Duress) for the turn, dropped my land then pass. He Ponder in his turn then pass the turn. I drew (Dark Ritual) for the turn, dropped my second land then cast Duress. My intuition is right, he is on AnT. Tutor, LED, Cabal Ritual and Cark Ritual were the cards that I saw. I binned his tutor. For the next few turns, all we did was draw, cantrip, disrupt, drop land and pass. Until to a point where I drew a Burning Wish, checked my graveyard which it had a bunch of rituals, tutors, probes and a two of my LEDs are in play and I have 5 lands. Wish for Past in Flames and ended it with tutor into wish into TOA.

    out: Empty the Warrens
    in: Thoughtseize

    Game two, I kept a mull hand of: Duress, land, land, LED, wish and a Ponder. He started with a Duress binning my LED. I drew (Rite of Flame) for the turn, and gathered my thoughts whether to fire Duress first or Ponder. I opt with Ponder. He kills me with a PiF loop when he got his turn back. Giz.

    Game three, all we did was cantrip, drop land and disrupt at each other’s hand. With less than one and a half minutes remaining, I went with Empty the Warrens for eight. I managed to swing once putting him on down to six. He drew a tutor, executed another PiF loop into TOA to my face. I die. x_x

    6-2 (10-3)

    RD 9
    I was still upset with myself when I did not fire the Duress, but that’s done already. I need to win my last assignment in order for me to go to day two. After checking my name at the pairings list I immediately go to the table and see my opponent was there first. He politely asked if I am Rafael to which I said yes. Head Judge gave the green signal and the last round for day one is on.

    Game one, he won the roll and headed with a forest into a Deathrite Shaman. Well, is this a BUG or an Elves? I probe him to find out, I saw a village of elven hiding in his five cards. I summoned Ad Nauseam afterwards. A few seconds later, he started picking up his cards. Off to game two we go.

    out: 3 Duress and Empty the Warrens
    in: Thoughtseize, two Chain of Vapor and a Void Snare

    Game two, he had a hot start. Second or third turn it was when he started to puke out elves after elves. I was not able to assemble my combo pieces in time; I lose in two swings from his elven community.

    Game three, I started it with a Ponder seeing LED, tutor and a mox. I retrieve the LED left the tutor on the most top. Dropped the LED and pass the turn. He started his turn with a fetch into a Bayou into an elf. I drew the tutor for the turn, Sea into Dark Ritual, dropped petal. Cast tutor, turned my LED sideways before asking him if it is good. He showed his hand, a possible Natural Order into Rhuric Thar in a couple of turns. Extends his hand to congratulate me for day two.

    7-2 (12-4)

    At the end of day one, out of nearly a thousand players enlisted in the Blue bracket, I was at 92nd.

    Day two.
    After filling up the information sheet that the judge handed and a brief day two players’ meeting, pairing for round ten soon followed.

    RD 10
    Game one, another player that is not smiling. I put him on something control. He won the roll and heads up with a fetch into Tundra into a top. Yikes, Miracle! I checked my hand again before drawing: Burning WIsh, mox, land, land, petal, LED and Brainstorm. I drew (Empty the Warrens) for the turn. I cast Brainstorm, at this point I need to win fast. I drew these three: two Rite of Flames and a Gitaxian Probe. I put back Empty the Warrens(top most) and mox. I ended the turn with X goblin tokens. it gets there in two swings.

    Game two, I took out a tutor, an ETW, a couple of ponder and a couple Chrome Mox. I replaced them with three Abrupt Decays and three Xantid Swarms. Game two was long because he was able to assemble his top-balance lock on me. Five 4/4 angels off his Entreat the Angels finished me off. We were unable to continue to our game three because the time for the round has already expired. Draw.

    7-2-1 (11-5-1)

    RD 11
    Mathematically speaking, x-2-1 has a very slim chance of getting in to the top 8. But nonetheless, I give it all in each of the remaining games I still have. My table for this game is 68. I kept a hand of: Underground Sea, Volcanic Island, Ponder, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, Lotus Petal and Duress. Opponent won the roll and began with an island into Ponder. This made me think only of three decks: Omnitell, AnT and a Miracle. I drew (Ponder) for the turn and did not hesitate to cast Duress but he countered it with his FOW. For his second turn, Show and Tell into Omniscience into Cunning Wish loop. GG.

    Game two, I kept a handful of disrupts. Half way through the game, I had like 5 lands and a LED on the table with rituals in my hand, but no tutor or wish. I was praying like a saint for them to come to my aid but he assembled his combo first, Show and Tell into Omniscience into Emrakul, take another turn swing with annihilator. On my draw step, he cast Vendillion Clique to punch-in the final nail in my coffin.

    7-3-1 (11-7-1)

    RD 12
    With that loss, I am now out for a top 8 contention. Just for pro point/s and /or money finish is now my new goal. after seeing my name on the pairings sheet, I went to the table 90 where my opponent is waiting for me. He won the roll and instantly keep his magic seven. My mulled six was: Cabal Therapy, Gitaxian Probe, land, land, Dark Ritual and Ad Nauseam. He started with an island into pre-ordain. He’s either on Omnitell or AnT. I threw probe (wish) as my first action. I saw these: Show and Tell, City of Traitors, Emrakul, Brainstorm, Impluse and a Dig Through Time. I cast Cabal Therapy, and asked him if its good. He Brainstormed inrespond before he gave me thumbs up – to which I named Emrakul. Force of will, City of Traitors, Impulse, DTT, Brainstorm and Omniscience where the things I saw. Not a good sign. three turns later I die to his 15/15 jelly fish.

    Okay TES, I believe in you. Let’s do this.
    Game two, I removed the following: ETW, tutor and a Ponder. Three Xantid Swarms were the stuffs I replaced them. I instantly kept this seven: Duress, Underground Sea, Chrome Mox, Cabal Therapy, a couple of Dark Rituals and an Ad Nauseam. I elected to be on the play. Sea into Duress, I only saw two counters, Force of Will and a Flustterstorm. I binned FOW. Mox turned into Mox Jet into two Dark Rituals into Ad Nauseam. It refilled my hands with goodies which ended the turn with a bang from TOA.

    Game three, no changes. He mulled to five. I kept this seven: LED, LED, LED, petal, wish, Dark Ritual, land. He just dropped a land then pass. I drew (Duress), dropped land into Dark Ritual and asked him if it is good, he said yes. Duress you, I said. Without any objection, he revealed his hand: DTT, Impulse, Cunning Wish and a land. I took out his DTT. Coast is clear, wish into tutor into Ad Naus into win.

    8-3-1 (13-8-1)

    RD 13
    He won the roll and heads up with a fetch into Volcanic Island into a Monastery Swiftspear then attack for one. I drew (ETW) for the turn, probed him to check for any counters or any form of mass removals, he has none. I finished my turn with sixteen goblins on my side. He did a little math, he concedes.

    Game two, I removed an ETW for an ETW. I kept this mulled six: Ad Naus, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, land, land and Ponder. He started with his Monastery again and attacked for one. I drew (Cabal Therapy), I cast it but his Daze greeted it with a smile. He attacked again for one, cast a Delver insect then dropped another land. I drew (tutor) for the turn, dropped a land, cast Rite of Flame, he nod. cast Dark Ritual, he said yes. Cast Ad Nauseam – it met a Force of Will. I never recovered after that defensive stop. I lose to his 3/2 bug and a swarm of 1/1 elementals off his Young Pyromancer.

    Game three, I tried to go off twice, both scenario he has Force of Will. I die shortly to his two 3/2 air assault and a Snapcaster Mage recycling a Lightning Bolt from his graveyard.

    8-4-1 (14-10-1)

    RD 14
    It seems that obtaining a pro point is now out of the picture as well. There’s only money finish … oh wait, 10 wins in a GP is another decent thing in a legacy resume. I am gunning for it.

    Game one, I am aware that he is on BUG because we were seatmates like two rounds ago. I am not sure if he remembers me that I am with storm. I kept this seven: LED, petal, mox, wish, tutor, land and land; but he won the roll and I prayed solemnly that no turn one Duress or Thoughtseize will be thrown at me. Forest into Deathrite Shaman was his turn one move. I drew (Rite of Flame), instead of going the goblin plan, suddenly Ad Nauseam became an option. I took that route and it never fizzle. I win.

    Game two, no changes. I kept this seven: Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, LED, mox, land, petal and a wish. Another land into Deathrite Shaman was his opening move. I drew (Duress), land into Dark Ritual into Duress, I only managed to bin Green Sun Zenith. I ended my turn with a mob of goblin. He desperately tried to plowed through his draws but no Engineered Plague came to his aid. I win in two swings.

    9-4-1 (16-10-1)

    One more win TES! ONE MORE WIN for my tenth win in a GP! LET’S DO THIS!

    RD 15
    At last someone who is smiling even before the game one starts. He told me that he is so much drained with his deck. He does not even know how did he manage to survived the whole 15 rounds with his deck. With this information, I can only think of a counterbalance-top lock game. I ready myself for a punishment he has to offer. He won the roll and both of us kept our seven. My opening mulled hand was: Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, Ad Naus, land, land and land. He started with a Taiga into a green cycle land. This made me think, what deck is that. Upon drawing my first card, such card reminded me of a Land Deck. Great! A deck that does not run Force of Wills. Cast Ad Nauseam without any fear. I win the game. Off to game two!

    Game two, etw out, Thoughtseize in. He instantly kept his hand and leads with a misty into a Tropical Island into a pass. This made me believe he is holding a sideboard Flustterstorm or Spell Pierce. I drew for the turn and now my hand is this: petal, petal, Rite of Flame, land, mox, wish, tutor and probe. I probe and see a bunch of land with Sphere of Resistance as the sole card that can hamper my combo. probe gifted me a LED. I dropped everything, tutor into Ad Nauseam into refilled hand into wish into TOA for the win.

    10-4-1 (18-10-1)

    Final standing after 15th round is now posted, and I ranked 102nd out of almost 2000 players that participated in the Grand Prix Kyoto. Right after they had posted the final standing, I went to the side event area to participate in the remaining slots. I did manage to participate in four eight man single elimination legacy side events. I won three of them. All with TES.

    Pod one my match ups were: BUG 2-1; BUG 2-0 and Miracles 2-0.
    Pod two my match ups were: Burn 2-1, UR delver 2-0 and Elves 2-1.
    Pod three was not that lucky, I lost to my first game versus UR delver.
    Then the last pod of all side events, Elves 2-0, AnT 2-1 and BW blade 2-0.
    For a total of 9-1 win-loss mark for my side events.

    Thank you for reading! Until next time!
    Keep on storming!

    BTW: CONGRATS TO KAI for landing TOP 3!

    *PS: all these were written from my memory.
    My note pad does not help me much in remembering things.*

    TJB <---- (updated) MTG related blog. ^_^

    TES: 102nd out of 2000 players at GP Kyoto 2015 (Legacy)

    UR Storm: 37th of 950 players at GP Guangzhou 2016 (Modern)

  2. #2
    Spam's Avatar
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    This report reminded me why I do love this deck so much. Every turn is an adrenaline rush and every draw feel like a gamble.
    Did you ever felt the need for the third Chromed Mox? Don't know why, but I always find my self wanting more of them when my Ad Nauseam join the party.
    Quote Originally Posted by clavio View Post
    Brainstorm is easy to play

  3. #3
    RogueMTG's Avatar
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Thanks for the report! Very well written and entertaining :D. Really makes me want to sleeve TES back up...

  4. #4
    jungle lion, good?...
    paeng4983's Avatar
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Spam View Post
    This report reminded me why I do love this deck so much. Every turn is an adrenaline rush and every draw feel like a gamble.
    Did you ever felt the need for the third Chromed Mox? Don't know why, but I always find my self wanting more of them when my Ad Nauseam join the party.
    Two Moxen is just fine, at least as I perceive it. ^_^
    TJB <---- (updated) MTG related blog. ^_^

    TES: 102nd out of 2000 players at GP Kyoto 2015 (Legacy)

    UR Storm: 37th of 950 players at GP Guangzhou 2016 (Modern)

  5. #5
    Land Destruction Enthusiast
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Sorry to necro, but fwiw you don't tap LED to use it. It is a simple sacrifice
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cheese View Post
    I've been taking shitty brews and tier 2 decks to tournaments and losing with them for years now. Welcome to the club. We meet for cocktails after round 6.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevestamopz View Post
    Top quality german restraint there.

    If I'm at the point where I'm rage quitting, you can bet your kransky that I'm calling everyone involved a cunt.

  6. #6

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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Megadeus View Post
    Sorry to necro, but fwiw you don't tap LED to use it. It is a simple sacrifice
    This goes little off-topic but I'm so confused. Did you really reply to tell a guy going 19-5-1 on a gp weekend that he doesn't need to tap his led?

  7. #7
    get outta here, humanity.
    iamajellydonut's Avatar
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by tride View Post
    This goes little off-topic but I'm so confused. Did you really reply to tell a guy going 19-5-1 on a gp weekend that he doesn't need to tap his led?
    I support the Deus's necro. It's the trivial shit that can and will get you killed.

  8. #8
    Land Destruction Enthusiast
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by tride View Post
    This goes little off-topic but I'm so confused. Did you really reply to tell a guy going 19-5-1 on a gp weekend that he doesn't need to tap his led?
    Well like IAAJD said, it's a trivial issue that MIGHT matter in a few games. OP said he was "tapping" his LED to show that he used it, but you can tap your LED to a Tangle Wire and it still be fine to be sacrificed for mana. Or like when RUG was a big deck I have read multiple stories of them using "Ice" half of Fire//Ice to tap the LED in the upkeep to keep their opponent off of the mana.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cheese View Post
    I've been taking shitty brews and tier 2 decks to tournaments and losing with them for years now. Welcome to the club. We meet for cocktails after round 6.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevestamopz View Post
    Top quality german restraint there.

    If I'm at the point where I'm rage quitting, you can bet your kransky that I'm calling everyone involved a cunt.

  9. #9
    jungle lion, good?...
    paeng4983's Avatar
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Megadeus View Post
    Well like IAAJD said, it's a trivial issue that MIGHT matter in a few games. OP said he was "tapping" his LED to show that he used it, but you can tap your LED to a Tangle Wire and it still be fine to be sacrificed for mana. Or like when RUG was a big deck I have read multiple stories of them using "Ice" half of Fire//Ice to tap the LED in the upkeep to keep their opponent off of the mana.
    On a strict note, LED does not require us to tap it.
    Its oracle states that:
    " Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of ... "

    My reason for tapping my LED during each opportunity is because I would like to communicate well with my opponent.

    I was playing against a Japanese player then, I made sure that I make my every move clear to him.

    Putting the LED tapped on top of the Infernal Tutor/ Burning Wish, its like saying 'cast this and without passing my priority crack this. Are you going to counter this IT/ BW sir?"
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    Re: TES in the Land of the rising sun 17-19 April 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by paeng4983 View Post
    On a strict note, LED does not require us to tap it.
    Its oracle states that:
    " Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of ... "

    My reason for tapping my LED during each opportunity is because I would like to communicate well with my opponent.

    I was playing against a Japanese player then, I made sure that I make my every move clear to him.

    Putting the LED tapped on top of the Infernal Tutor/ Burning Wish, its like saying 'cast this and without passing my priority crack this. Are you going to counter this IT/ BW sir?"
    I'm with you, Rafa. I also usually top my LEDs tapped on top of my Infernal/Wish to signal that I respond with LEDs ability to the Sorcery on the stack asking for responses. It's just a habit to make clear what is going to happen even with a language barrier - Your Source for The Epic Storm - Articles, Reports, Decktech and more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echelon View Post
    Lemnear sounds harsh at times, but he means well. Or to destroy, but that's when he starts rapping.

    Architect by day, rapstar by night. He's pretty much the German Hannah Montana. Sometimes he even comes in like a wrecking ball.

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