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Thread: [Deck] Pirates

  1. #1

    [Deck] Pirates

    Oh Lol
    See that deck that 52° at D4D Pirates!!!

    Anyhow here the decklist:

    3 Ankh Of Mishra
    3 Chrome Mox

    2 Gilded Drake
    2 Ninja Of The Deep Hours
    4 Rishadan Cutpurse
    4 Rishadan Footpad

    4 Parallax Tide
    4 Seal Of Removal

    4 Boomerang
    4 Hoodwink
    4 Stifle

    3 Exhaustion

    Basic Lands
    15 Island

    4 Wasteland

    2 Pithing Needle
    1 Sword Of Fire And Ice
    3 Tormod's Crypt
    1 Gilded Drake
    2 Arcane Laboratory
    3 Propaganda
    3 Umezawa's Jitte

    If it 52° seems not a very good choice, anyhow it looks very fun!!!
    And you what do you think?

  2. #2
    Etherium is limited. Innovation is not.
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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    And you what do you think?
    I wish I would have gotten paired against the guy who ran this deck. :)

    Rishadan Footpad may act as a sort of removal, but it's still a 4cc 2/2. How could that possibly be good in this format? The same thing applies to Cutpurse... a 3cc 1/1 is just terrible.

    The deck tries to use tempo elements but it seems like it has no definite answers for problematic cards. The deck may be a fun deck, but I don't see how it could possibly be competitive in this format.

    My suggestions for improving the deck would be to add Rishadan Ports and Mana Leaks. Winter Orb looks like it could work well in this deck too. The deck should drop some of the bounce elements for some tempo countermagic like Daze. Thwart and/or Foil seem like they would be good with the Winter Orbs.

  3. #3

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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    AEther vial looks like it may work well, put those higher CC creatures into play as a surprise, and maybe 2 on 1 turn to really screw over the opponent, that is if you havnt lost yet. Also may wanna add a few one drops, aether vial is a good turn 1 drop but you cannot rely on a chrome mox every time, so maybe some manta riders or something.

  4. #4

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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanni View Post
    Rishadan Footpad may act as a sort of removal, but it's still a 4cc 2/2. How could that possibly be good in this format? The same thing applies to Cutpurse... a 3cc 1/1 is just terrible.
    Just to randomly point something out, Vial Goblins runs a 4cc 2/2 and a 3cc 1/1 (Ringleader and Matron). Granted, those costs are reduced if there is a Warchief in play, but being a goblin player myself, that doesn't always happen.

    Seems like a fun deck to play, but I think it was played in the wrong metagame.

  5. #5
    Serious Rider
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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    Quote Originally Posted by tpnp View Post
    Just to randomly point something out, Vial Goblins runs a 4cc 2/2 and a 3cc 1/1 (Ringleader and Matron).
    Yeah, but those creatures do something useful. Ringleader = FoF on a 2/2 body, and Matron = fucking Demonic Tutor (it can fetch ringleader for draw, Incinerator for removal, etc, etc.) Somehow I don't see Footpad and Cutpurse being anywhere near as good. And, as you pointed out, there isn't a Rishadan Warchief.
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  6. #6
    Fuck whatcha heard, yo' momma still smokes rocks.
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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    Uh, yeah this is kind of embarrassing... I got paired up against that dude... I lost... 1-2. He stifled both of his Parallex Tides!!!

  7. #7
    Etherium is limited. Innovation is not.
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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    Yes but Goblins has ways of cheating Ringleader and Matron into play via Lackey and Matron. Additionally, they are tutors on a stick... meaning they aren't entirely meant to be the backbone of the aggro force. They are meant to draw into more threats, such as Piledriver and Siege Gang.

    In this deck, the Rishadan guys are the backbone of the aggro, making up 1/2 of the aggro base.

    Maybe if he added 3-4 Ancient Tomb in addition to his 3 Moxes, the cc investment wouldn't be as bad. Still though, I'm just comparing how good the Rishadan's are in power level compared to cc, not necessarily saying they suck because their cc is too high. Good high cc spells in this format do exist, but they are significantly more powerful than the Rishadan's are.

  8. #8
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    Re: [Deck] Pirates

    This deck is all wrong. I used to play this deck about 2 years ago. Now I would recommend the following cards.

    All 3 of the Rishadan Pirates
    Followed Footsteps
    Boomerang, Hoodwinked, Early Frost
    Isochron Scepter
    Stifle or Trickbind
    Rishadan Port

    With a combination like that, you should stand a chance. First you boomerang all their land back to their hand asap. Then you get an Ischron Scepter going with a land destruptor going. Then you play your pirates and enchant them with a followed footsteps.

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