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Thread: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

  1. #1

    4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Okay, so I got back from the Jacksonville Mox tourney. I ended up 4-1 after 5 rounds of straight swiss with no cut to elimination rounds. The top4 was this:

    1) Local with Goblins (5-0)
    2) Local with U/W Landstill (4-1)
    3) Jed (GWS) with 5c CounterSlivers (4-1)
    4) Me with TES (4-1)

    Round 1 vs Roger playing UWR Salvagers Aggro-Control

    I ask this guy if he's on any teams or posts on any forums. He says that he hangs out with GWS and came with their rep today. We begin game 1 (I'm on the draw) and he opens up Tundra go. I have total sauce including turn 1 rainbow land, lotus petal, xantid swarm (playing around Daze that I suspected) into turn 2 Brainstorm + EtW for 24ish tokens. He plays a morphed Exalted Angel, I topdeck a City of Brass to feed my Cabal Pit and kill the 2/2 creature. I proceed to swing FTW. Insult to injury.

    Game 2, I board like I do for Thresh/Fish (-1 Plunge, +1 D.Grid) as well as fake boarding Returns, Tendrils, EtW, and IGG. I have the anti-control nuts again, but an EE + Ancient Tomb blows up my Swarm. I brainstorm, pass the turn, he mages dark rit, and I proceed to combo out in his face. He forced Burning Wish but that just gave me hellbent for Infernal Tutor -> Tendrils.

    After the round I talked with the guy and asked him what he was playing. He showed me a salvagers and then told me it was an aggro-control version of UWR Salvagers.

    Round 2 vs Chris with U/W Landstill

    I have a balls hand with Xantid Swarm and a turn 2 kill. Suffice it to say that this guy is a complete lucksack. He played to time in the last round and can have 0 idea what I'm playing. He keeps a hand of FoW x2, Stifle x2, Fetch, 2 random blue cards. He goes first and I lose aftering getting Xantid Swarm forced, my EtW stifled, my EtW stifled again the next turn, and he Wrath'd my team of 4 dudes the turn afterwards. A timely Urami token makes it interesting, but he's still at 4 life when he casts Akroma's Vengeance.

    Game 2 he has a similarly ballsy hand but only 1 Stifle this time. Double FoW goodness + Cunning Wish->Stifle + lands + brainstorms. Whatever. I get Swarm Forced, Chanted the next turn, then proceed to get the next 8 spells I played countered. Whatever. I'm very pissed off. Afterwards, he tells me that he only plays 2 Stifle MD.

    I'm extremely sure that if I played this match 20 times I could win at least half of them, as you can't draw a 2-of every time. Gay.

    Round 3 vs Type 2 B/W

    I lead with Xantid Swarm and kill him turn 2.

    I appologize turn 1 when I see my hand. He asks why and I combo off with Wish -> Returns and a storm of 16ish because I was showing off.

    This matchup wasn't very fair. I boarded like I do for Goblins (-5 Control spells, +1 Cabal Therapy, +1 Grapeshot, +3 Shattering Spree) since Shattering Spree produces a more useful color when imprinted on a mox than Defense Grid or Xantid Swarm.

    Round 4 vs Matt playing R/g/brainstorm Goblins

    Matt just lost Round 3 to Landstill because he's retarded and boarded in chalices over relevant cards. He wants me to concede to him, but I have better tie breaks. We decide to play it out.

    Game 1 he opens up Land -> Lackey, go. I open up EtW for 18 Goblins and win on turn 3.

    Game 2 he opens up Land -> Vial. I mull, but open up EtW for 12 Goblins and win on turn 3.

    Round 5 vs Justin with U/W 7/10ish Control.

    I've seen this deck do pretty well the entire night and he's a 4-0 that got paired down. I rape him with on turn 4 after optimizing on brainstorm and plunging to find a swarm turn 3.

    Game 2 I open up Mox, Land, Defense Grid and win easily on turn 2 after a brainstorm. I think I went 2x LED, IT -> IGG on him.

    I played this list (59 cards Bryant uses and -1 Cabal pit +1 Tomb of Urami):

    // Land
    4 City of Brass
    3 Gemstone Mine
    1 Forbidden Orchard
    1 Cabal Pit
    1 Tomb of Urami

    // Protection
    3 Xantid Swarm
    2 Defense Grid

    // Tutors
    4 Burning Wish
    4 Plunge into Darkness
    4 Infernal Tutor

    // Busted
    4 Brainstorm
    2 Tendrils of Agony
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Diminishing Returns
    1 Ill-Gotten Gains

    // Fast Mana
    4 Lotus Petal
    4 Chrome Mox
    4 Lion's Eye Diamond
    4 Dark Ritual
    4 Cabal Ritual
    4 Rite of Flame

    // Sideboard
    1 Tendrils of Agony
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Diminishing Returns
    1 Ill-Gotten Gains
    1 Grapeshot
    1 Cabal Therapy
    1 Tranquility
    3 Shattering Spree
    3 Compost
    1 Defense Grid
    1 Pyroclasm

    I was extremely happy with the performance of this list and wouldn't change anything. I 2-0'd every round except the round I lost, and will be taking this to all future tournaments I go to. Playing this list feels surreal. It's like you're playing a different format than everyone else because your power level is so much higher. 4-1 in rounds, 8-2 in games doesn't seem that bad, and I ended up 4th on tiebreaks. No cut to elimination rounds.

    Afterward, a 10ish players went out for shitty service at El Rancherito. The food was okay, but I'm extremely surprised that anyone left tips. Anyway, it was good to meet some new people, and the winning Goblins player was awesome, in addition to being 14.


    - My opponents for being generally awesome to hang out with since we generally finished really early.
    - Jed, the GWS guy who played 5c Counter Slivers for having a cool deck
    - The field for deciding Threshold sucked (nobody brought it)
    - My cousin for driving me and my brother
    - Elgon, my altered lucky dragon token
    - Max, the store owner, for being pretty cool this year
    - My gentle reader for suffering through this report


    - service at El Rancherito
    - 21 people showing up (not to take away from the people that did, but for a Mox tourney, that was weak).
    - me, for having 0 english skills
    Last edited by emidln; 01-09-2007 at 09:19 PM. Reason: censored
    BZK! - Storm Boards

    Been there, tried that, still casting Doomsday.
    Drawing my deck for 0 mana since 2013.

  2. #2
    Bryant Cook

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    GREAT REPORT! I'm glad you did so well. Hopefully more people will pick up the deck.

  3. #3

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    windfury post

  4. #4

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Quote Originally Posted by emidln View Post
    Round 2 vs Chris with U/W Landstill

    I have a balls hand with Xantid Swarm and a turn 2 kill. Suffice it to say that this guy is a complete lucksack. He played to time in the last round and can have 0 idea what I'm playing. He keeps a hand of FoW x2, Stifle x2, Fetch, 2 random blue cards. He goes first and I lose aftering getting Xantid Swarm forced, my EtW stifled, my EtW stifled again the next turn, and he Wrath'd my team of 4 dudes the turn afterwards. A timely Urami token makes it interesting, but he's still at 4 life when he casts Akroma's Vengeance.

    Game 2 he has a similarly ballsy hand but only 1 Stifle this time. Double FoW goodness + Cunning Wish->Stifle + lands + brainstorms. Whatever. I get Swarm Forced, Chanted the next turn, then proceed to get the next 8 spells I played countered. Whatever. I'm very pissed off. Afterwards, he tells me that he only plays 2 Stifle MD.

    I'm extremely sure that if I played this match 20 times I could win at least half of them, as you can't draw a 2-of every time. Gay.


    - the U/W landstill player for being a jerk to everyone else.

    Yes, Chris got incredibly lucky, I can't imagine landstill ever beating TES without obnoxiously lucky draws. However, I could have easily posted a similar tournament report about a guy who seemed like an obnoxious, arrogant jerk and was playing TES. Then I spent a while talking to you and realized, just like any random stranger, it's easy to get a bad first impression. After talking to someone and getting to know them for a couple minutes, you'd be surprised at how much more friendly they can seem.

    If the people who went to Rancherito thought Chris was being a jerk, than I can't argue with that, but I know for a fact he's a fairly easy guy to get along with. If anything, I would say he annoys the piss out of me sometimes, but I've never really thought of him as a jerk.

    I guess all I'm really trying to say is that saying all that stuff about someone without any real provocation is uncool. If you are just salty that he got lucky and cost you a mox, thats seriously a queer move to say all that shit. If you genuinely thought he was an asshole, all I can say is that I know hes a nice guy and certainly wasn't trying to be a jerk.

  5. #5

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Quote Originally Posted by sammiel View Post
    If the people who went to Rancherito thought Chris was being a jerk, than I can't argue with that, but I know for a fact he's a fairly easy guy to get along with. If anything, I would say he annoys the piss out of me sometimes, but I've never really thought of him as a jerk.

    I guess all I'm really trying to say is that saying all that stuff about someone without any real provocation is uncool. If you are just salty that he got lucky and cost you a mox, thats seriously a queer move to say all that shit. If you genuinely thought he was an asshole, all I can say is that I know hes a nice guy and certainly wasn't trying to be a jerk.
    With the infinite time I had after my rounds (since I won in generally 10 minutes or less), I watched many of Chris's matches with great interest. It struck me that Chris was being an asshole to the other players involved as I watched. However, this belongs in pm. I'll delete this and the part of my Tournament Report in question in a day or whenever you pm me to say that you've read it.

    an obnoxious, arrogant jerk and was playing TES.
    That'd be a fair assessment that I'd never argue with. I really am a jerk and I convinced two people Sunday to make horrible plays with just a little prodding and banter. That's part of my game though, the interaction that makes tournament magic more fun than playing MWS for free.
    BZK! - Storm Boards

    Been there, tried that, still casting Doomsday.
    Drawing my deck for 0 mana since 2013.

  6. #6
    Dodge this.
    umbowta's Avatar
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    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Congrats man! I'm almost shocked that you put down the Trinispheres and played TES. Those decks are like polar opposites. Hope to see you this weekend...and at the Feb Mox tourney too.
    When other people do not assert themselves, they may still have something to be proud of, something that they believe is unrivalled, but it is just that they have not got the same vulgarity of throwing their weight about and imposing themselves and their beliefs on other people. - Dunduzu Kalui Chisiza

    If you think a topic is dumb, don't add to it. Pretty simple. - Bardo

  7. #7

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Though it's not well known, I do sling fast combo once in awhile. In the past I've played SI although I think I'm going to be on TES for the near future. I can't imagine playing a deck outside of TES and UbaStax at the moment due to the sheer brokeness of the openings each affords.
    BZK! - Storm Boards

    Been there, tried that, still casting Doomsday.
    Drawing my deck for 0 mana since 2013.

  8. #8
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    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Nice job. Your deck looks fun. Nice tech with the Tomb of Urami

  9. #9

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Quote Originally Posted by B.C. View Post
    Nice job. Your deck looks fun. Nice tech with the Tomb of Urami
    Lol, thanks, always a pleasure to steal from you. Still playing your tendrils build?
    BZK! - Storm Boards

    Been there, tried that, still casting Doomsday.
    Drawing my deck for 0 mana since 2013.

  10. #10
    Person of interest
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    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Quote Originally Posted by emidln View Post
    Lol, thanks, always a pleasure to steal from you. Still playing your tendrils build?
    Yeah I'm trying, but Legacy tournaments around here are few and far between. Some of us will likely make it to College of Dupage on the 14th. If you've never been, it's a really cool venue for a tournament.

  11. #11

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Quote Originally Posted by B.C. View Post
    Yeah I'm trying, but Legacy tournaments around here are few and far between. Some of us will likely make it to College of Dupage on the 14th. If you've never been, it's a really cool venue for a tournament.
    I used to play there weekly but I've since moved from the area. I was just back in Springfield for the holidays for this tournament. I normally play in Detroit.

    There are weekly legacy events on the Illinois side of the river around Bellville. There are at least 2 shops that I know of with weekly events. You might check for stores in that area.
    BZK! - Storm Boards

    Been there, tried that, still casting Doomsday.
    Drawing my deck for 0 mana since 2013.

  12. #12

    Re: 4th with TES at Jacksonville, IL Mox Tournament

    Hey, thanks for the props Xantid Trinisphere (as we have come to name you, lol) Finally got around to making an account on the source.

    Slivers was loads of fun, the combat tricks were delicious.


    Guy who is sorta on team GWS ; ) I'm more of a bannerman, really.

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