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Thread: Ruby Storm

  1. #541
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    I agree with that. The budget version needs probably 2-3 Helms and then something else in the mana department to help feed the combo (Desperate Ritual, Simian Spirit Guide.) It's important to note that Desperate Ritual is actually Dark Ritual with a Medallion/Helm. The budget version will likely lean on Reforge/HUF in a greater way as well.

    If nothing else happens, the real breakthroughs for mono-red storm seems to be these:

    1) Mana reducers are good, even in legacy
    2) Act on Impulse can be a powerful draw spell, especially with LED
    3) Past in Flames can carry a deck
    4) Red rituals can be as explosive as black rituals
    5) Newer cards are pushing the limits for power level to enable fringe decks (Hazoret's Undying Fury)
    Brainstorm Realist

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  2. #542
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    It's hard to tell what the correct budget version is. I think experimenting with this new reduction effect that can fork cards like a ritual/past in flames/wish/hazoret's has some potential.

    i think different versions are very metagame dependent. vieko and i are planning on creating a website for this deck and will focus on the intricacies of the different versions and the strengths of card choices for specific metagames.

    give us some time for this as we're both rather busy! posting on the source is the easy part!

  3. #543

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Safety View Post
    Surprised to see both LED and Helm together. I would think with LEDs you could cut the helms altogether. I also think Gamble gets much better with LED's, because you're discarding the rest of your hand anyways and PiF can be cast from the graveyard if you're pinched on mana pre-LED activation.

    In my opinion I think we've established two distinct versions of this deck: the 'real' version with LED's and the 'budget' version that instead plays more rituals/SSG's to make up for the lack of LED's. I think the real deck has great promise and the budget version can definitely steal some wins but suffers from a 1-1.5 turn slower combo.

    I'm going to actively try and trade into some LEDs, I'm convinced its needed. I really want to go balls-deep into this deck.
    You'll never regret picking up a set of LEDs or any other high end Legacy staples. First of all they'll never go down in value, they're an investment. Never feel bad spending money on top end cards. Second, this opens you up to so many other great Legacy combo decks, Belcher, TES, ANT and my favorite Burning Reanimator.

    @Mistercakes Looking forward to the primer! I know gimmicky names are whack but this deck needs a cooler name than Ruby Storm.

    Btw, my current LED list doesn't run Helm and I haven't missed it. I actually have the entire deck together LEDs, CoT and all. My list runs an extra EtW because not every game do I want extend the combo into a giant Tendrils. More often than not it's easier to just turn one EtW into 8-14 goblins. My budget build is the exact same except -4 LED +2 Helm +2 SSG.

    Anyway, here's my current list.

    //Win: (6)
    4x Burning Wish
    2x Empty the Warrens

    //Tricks: (15)
    4x Act on Impulse
    4x Gitaxian Probe
    3x Past in Flames
    2x Reforge the Soul
    1x Hazoret's Undying Fury
    1x Gamble

    //Ramp: (26)
    4x Rite of Flame
    2x Desperate Ritual
    4x Manamorphose
    4x Seething Song
    4x Lion's Eye Diamond
    4x Lotus Petal
    4x Ruby Medallion

    //Land: (13)
    2x Ancient Tomb
    1x City of Traitors
    10x Mountain

    //Sideboard: (15)
    3x Tormod's Crypt
    2x Blood Moon
    2x Scab-Clan Berserker
    1x Tendrils of Agony
    1x Empty the Warrens
    1x Grapeshot
    1x Past in Flames
    1x Reforge the Soul
    1x Shattering Spree
    1x Pyroclasm
    1x Jokulhaups

    Btw, what is everyone's thoughts on Mindbreak Trap in the Scab-Clan sideboard slot?
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  4. #544
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    The original name was mono red storm and everyone on here complained.

  5. #545

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by mistercakes View Post
    The original name was mono red storm and everyone on here complained.
    Ruby Storm > Mono Red Storm > whatever-else-everyone-wants-to-name-this

  6. #546

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Hah! Well it's no TES but at least it's descriptive. People will bitch either way. Give it a gimmicky name people bitch give it a descriptive name people bitch. I'm more of a fan the old days when gimmicky names were popular like Full English Breakfast, Coco Pebbles, Tools n' Tubbies, Gay Fish, Hulk Smash, Duck Tape, Different Strokes, Bombs over Baghdad etc..
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  7. #547
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    I guess Ruby Red at least has an alliteration.

    And your gimmick

  8. #548

    Re: Ruby Storm

    I do like Ruby Red and actually mentioned Ruby Red Storm a few pages back. Not sure if you like RRS or just RS better. Both are awesome!

    Naming decks after cereal is a bit played out but there are other options. In particular I was a fan of Miracle Grow which predated Hulk Smash. Old television show titles work well if they can semi identify with what the deck does. In this case there is Gun Smoke, Growing Pains and in particular Orange Is the New Black or even Red Is the New Black. Old video game titles are cool too.
    Last edited by Laser Brains; 09-06-2017 at 02:29 PM.
    "WaaaauuugghhhaaaauuugghhhaauuugghhhaaauuugghhhW" -Chewbacca

  9. #549

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Flaming Hot Cheetos is hilarious! Red Hot Chili Peppers might take the cake though. The deck is awesome and no doubt will take out off, it's your deck though so you get the final say. Perhaps you should take a vote.
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  10. #550
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Nah it will either be Ruby Storm or mono red storm, whichever domain is available. :)

    Vieko gets the last word since he's the web dev.

  11. #551
    Silent Requiem's Avatar
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by mistercakes View Post
    Nah it will either be Ruby Storm or mono red storm, whichever domain is available. :)

    Vieko gets the last word since he's the web dev.
    Mono Red Storm rolls off the tongue more easily, and has a convenient 3 letter acronym. Your call, though.

  12. #552
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Let's focus on making the deck better, and not the name. :)

  13. #553

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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by Silent Requiem View Post
    Mono Red Storm rolls off the tongue more easily, and has a convenient 3 letter acronym. Your call, though.
    The short form being MRS which will be confused with Mono Red SneakAttack

  14. #554

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by mistercakes View Post
    Let's focus on making the deck better, and not the name. :)
    Good point but seriously, go with Ruby Red Storm. RRS, it's descriptive and includes both Red Storm and Ruby Storm. As far as making the deck better I think much of it has been fleshed out. Most lists are fairly similar, you just need match up analysis which could take a while.
    "WaaaauuugghhhaaaauuugghhhaauuugghhhaaauuugghhhW" -Chewbacca

  15. #555
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    So here's an idea that vieko and I tested only for a few days when the deck came out.

    Reiterate. With 1 rock and seething storm you have infinite storm, with 2 rocks and seething storm you have infinite mana. It's also good if copying hazoret's or other big spells as well as opponents spells.

    If you go back in thread you'll also notice that I did try a gifts ungiven package. This is okay, although it does make you weaker to graveyard hate. It guarantees a win with a certain amount of mana pre gifts.

  16. #556

    Re: Ruby Storm

    If you are looking for a non-descriptive name, my vote goes to Uluru (a.k.a Ayer's Rock), which is a huge red rock in Australia and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

  17. #557
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Too much explaining. Also sounds like aluren. Anyway, call it whatever you want. :)

    You can call it dickstorm if you want.

    I would rather focus on something more productive.

  18. #558

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Is it just me, or is this potentially a ridiculously powerful card (well, more powerful 1-of than HUF) in a non LED budget build with 3-4x Reforge the Soul to keep your hand filled at all times?

    Negative: does nothing by itself.

    Positive: repeated mini-HUF effect where you get to choose a nonland for free for every spell you cast from hand.

  19. #559
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    Re: Ruby Storm

    Main issue here is 6 mana with no effect. Could Winn fringe games but I don't think it's reliable enough.

  20. #560

    Re: Ruby Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by mistercakes View Post
    Too much explaining. Also sounds like aluren. Anyway, call it whatever you want. :)

    You can call it dickstorm if you want.

    I would rather focus on something more productive.
    Dickstorm it is!! Awesome title for an awesome deck! From here on out I shall call it Dickstorm. So bad ass. The Ayer's Rock idea is not bad ass.

    Anyway, Reiterate would be a cool trick but without rocks in play it's not that great. Possibly with a complete rebuild of the deck featuring 8 rocks it might have potential. I might toy around with this.

    Sunbird's Invocation does look pretty amazing, however it hic-ups your turn unless you've got extra mana when you cast it. It's almost good enough but the deck still operates fine without it. Good suggestion though.
    "WaaaauuugghhhaaaauuugghhhaauuugghhhaaauuugghhhW" -Chewbacca

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